单词 cheque 例句大全,用单词cheque造句:

He was, in a sense, given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.
I enclose a cheque for 10 with apology for the delay in answer your letter.
A cheque which does not specify the payee is deemed to be a cheque to bearer.
Yes, Reynolds. They were approved yesterday. You can pick up for cheque today.
Please send this note together with a cheque to Bank Consortium Trust Company.
A cheque with the amount of money and the payee blank, but sign by the drawer.
The British were expecting the United States eventually to pick up the cheque.
Issue cheque and transfer book, arrange signature procedure and payment process.
负责制作付款签报单, 打印支票, 贷记凭证, 组织付款签报。
A Lloyd's Bank cheque book enables you to keep your money affairs in good order.
Instead of giving me a cheque, they paid the money directly into my bank account.
他们直接把钱打到我的账户, 而不是给我支票。
This cheque is payable to the bearer, ie to the person who presents it at a bank.
And patience, tame to sufferance, bide each cheque, Without accusing you of injury.
让忍耐, 惯了, 接受每一次申斥, 绝不会埋怨你对我损害分毫。
Please note that the new account will not be activated until the cheque has cleared.
Applicants who enroll for more than one course should issue a separate cheque course.
如报读超过一个课程, 请分开支票。
We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble.
You attach cheque payment for the first two months contributions together with this form.
I d like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.
As to the delayed payment, the buyer argued that its cheque had been returned dishonoured.
关于延迟付款, 买方辩称, 买方的支票是遭拒付退回的。
Mr. Smith's cheque eventually is sent to the Head Office of his bank via's Clearing House.
Paying can be completed in one of the following ways by cash, by cheque or by credit card.
If the cheque issuer is not applicant or proposed Member, please fill in the following information.
若支票发出人并非申请人或准会员, 请填写以下资料。
Please complete this form and send it together with a crossed cheque or payinslip information to our Association.
We only accept cheque payment for these requests, the cheque payment shall not include any payment of contribution.
When payment for remittance is made by cheque, the cheque is subject to final payment before the remittance is sent.
a cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account.
他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。

单词 cheque 释义



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