Bronco must have been digging the wall centimeter by centimeter without cease!
They are like a swinging bell, anytime, anywhere exchanges are likely to cease.
He said he'd been thinking about me since yesterday,wonders will never cease!
Favourite, I cease to address you as thou, 'because I pass from poetry to prose.
Situations pass, they cease to exist, but they continue to be alive in the mind.
时过境迁, 它们已不复存在, 却还在头脑中栩栩如生。
KJV Cease from anger, and forsake wrath fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
和合本当止住怒气, 离弃忿怒。不要心怀不平, 以致作恶。
Men can well cease their pursuits anytime satisfactorily by drawing a full stop.
人随时可能舒舒服服给自己画个句号, 休止了自己。
In addition, the scandalous distribution of Iraq's wealth must cease immediately.
Want a week to be not contained normally double cease day just can arrive account.
After several rounds of negotiation, the two countries finally agreed on a cease-fire.
Discussion the time to cease indwelling catheterization in severe cerebral trauma patients
Mollie got it into her head that her problems would cease to exist if she went to Australia.
Hands are waved to the belfry for the ringing to cease, and the blessing of the water begins.
许多只手向钟楼摆动, 要那边的人停止鸣钟, 圣水祭开始了。
It agreed to cease hostilities, but that did not mean that it would not retaliate if attacked.
We are pleased to announce that CABAL Online will soon cease charging a monthly subscription fee.
我们很荣幸地宣布, 惊天动地将取消游戏月费。
This credIt shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary s drafts after Mar.08, 2004.
This credIt shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary s drafts after Mar. 08, 2002.
The two belligerent parties were compelled to cease fire under the intervention of the United nations.
Woman! Cease this detestable boohooing instantly! Or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship!
The Brigadier General requested that the shooting cease to allow his children to be evacuated from the house.
They were not held accountable, and the practice of bulldozing the homes of innocent civilians did not cease.
没有追究他们的责任, 铲平无辜平民房屋的做法并未停止。
Owing to the large number of the application, enrollment to AMS membership will be cease until further notice.
interest on interest bearing claims shall cease to accrue thereon at the time of acceptance of the bankruptcy petition.
Approvals of tax reduction or exemption by any locality which exceeds its respective authority shall cease immediately.
Especially double cease the food market of day, it is ear of Beijing antrum be linked together really, poll assemble is moved, jostle each other in a crowd.