单词 century 例句大全,用单词century造句:

Windmill use became increasingly widespread in Europe from the12th century to the early19th century.
The nineteenth century was the century that saw the development of international law and arbitration.
In the early 20th century , there was the acute and often highly infectious diseases such as smallpox.
在20世纪初, 有急性和经常高度传染性的疾病如天花。
The eighteenth century is the century of the Enlightenment and the outbreak of the bourgeois revolution.
十八世纪是启蒙运动的世纪, 是资产阶级革命爆发的世纪。
Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate.
书本世纪笔墨到处甩, 晚上自习开小差。
One is the development of quantum mechanics, one of the major intellectual achievements of the20th century.
The first goal we set was to quadruple the GNP and achieve comparative prosperity by the end of the century.
第一步, 到本世纪末翻两番, 达到小康水平。
From the nineteenth century, since the seventies aroused the concern of the international academic community.
There is an extraordinary alteration between that of the early nineteenth century and that of the century's end.
Popular Culture is a significant academic subject in the 20th century, on which there is no fixed conclusion yet.
New Progress and Development Trend of Physical Check of Higher Adult Normal School at the Beginning of the Century
English learning strategy has been paid attention to by the academic society as early as in the end of last century.
Accelerating the Pace of Educational Reform and Development to Lay the Foundation for Development in the 21st Century
From the last century, the continuous development of silkworm egg incubation techniques to achieve three major changes.
This is particularly helpful in the21st century, when many professionals change careers several times during adulthood.
China at the end of the 19th century was deteriorating, but it was beginning to prosper at the end of the 20th century.
Analysis on Indoor Acoustical Environmental Protection from the Result Monitoring the Indoor Noise in the Century Garden
It was first in the last quarter of the 19th century that the real advance was made in the study of economic entomology.
To help accomplish all of that, the company has entered partnerships with Microsoft and Hong Kong's Pacific Century Cyberworks.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization forecast, The19st century are create education the century.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization forecast, The21st century are create education the century.
And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time one along the 13 century.
She is accepted as one of folk artists written into the collection of largescale literature annals for Chinese21 century in2005 Chinese folk Art.
It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.
Prince Alexandra Nevsky won the most votes for defeating German invaders in the 13th century, while Pyotr Stolypin, Prime Minster in the early 18th century came second.

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