单词 chic 例句大全,用单词chic造句:

Its the quintessential French and Parisian, so its about also the chic of it.
You know, she was was very chic, but she was very filled with ennui, you know.
她很时髦很优雅 但她又十分倦怠
He was only a natural right Xinhua dictionary so big but its working fine chic.
对然他只有一本新华字典那么大, 但是它的做工精美别致。
The perfume carrier is encased in a steel case to give it a chic, elegant look.
Feel the vintage style of the ceiling lamps, chic tables and chairs in the lobby.
Versatile and chic. Earrings with black onyx in sterling silver, for pierced ears.
通用和别致得代表, 纯银黑玛瑙穿孔耳环。
Fan Dance style chic, plate dance moves large extent, rhythm changing, very bright.
扇舞的风格潇洒, 板舞的动作幅度大, 节奏变化多, 非常明快。
Please the British people will be issued to a tea party at the chic subtle postings.
Warm beautifully chic Princess If You push the button, the toothpick out, clean health!
Europe is extraordinarily chic in Beijing nowadays the city is making up for lost time.
Small but clean, chic room. Fantastic location and friendly service. Highly recommended!
The irresistible glamour of white is its brightness and chic, easygoing with other colors.
又能与其他颜色百搭, 就是白色不可阻挡的魅力。
Sleek, chic and elegant.Necklace in sterling silver with cultured freshwater pearls.36 long.
光鲜,时尚,优雅。纯银镶淡水养殖珍珠项链。36英寸 长。
After careful packaging design, a variety of packaging fashionable chic, carrying convenience.
包装盒经过精心的设计, 多种包装款式新颖别致, 携带便利。
Believe it or not, when I got ready for school this morning I wasnt aiming for leprechaun chic.
The youngsters bedroom should choose novel and chic the design of rich and lively, light touch.
A chic appearance is produced not by slavish attention to the latest fashion nor by an ignoring of it.
高尚的外表不是由于盲从于注意最新时尚, 也不是不理会它。
ROMA fashion show at the Chic pavilion was a surprising mix of flannel, wedding suits, and beige day wear.
Give your boudoir the chic look of a boutique hotel with this set of soft, single ply 420TC cotton sateen sheets.
为您提供各类床上用品, 家居布置, 厨房工具。
Sleep under the stars in an Aussiestyle swag bed or sleeping roll given a chic upgrade with a canopied futonstyle platform base.
This has resulted in clear fashion trends, from the power dressing of the eighties, to grunge of the early nineties to conservative chic of recent years.
全球化就是在整个时装界, 时装设计师们的风格互相影响。

单词 chic 释义

  • 单词释义:<法>漂亮的,时髦的,潇洒的;别致的  [更多..]



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