单词 chief 例句大全,用单词chief造句:

Who'll be the chief mourner? I, said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner.
Patrick T. Doyle, Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
资深副总裁, 财务长, 主计长, 会计长
The chief priests and the teachers of the law were standing there, vehemently accusing him.
祭司长和文士, 都站着极力地告他。
He's making his recommendation to the board tomorrow for chief of surgery and chief resident.
The chief of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive.
在美国, 总统是国家元首民时也是政府首脑。
Chief tallyman, what's the pilot time ?The chief requires to start the engine one hour earlier.
理货组长, 什么时候开航?大副要求在开航前一小时发动引擎。
Cluster Chief Executive New Territories East Hospital Chief Executive, Prince of Wales Hospital
The White Chief says that Big Chief at Washington sends us greetings of friendship and goodwill.
The post of Deputy Chief in the Accounts Unit, Financial Services Section, was filled in October2003.
The chief executive of the United States,serving as both chief of state and chief political executive.
The chief executive of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive.
The chief officer shall not absent himself from his duties without the permission of the superintendent.
Arrogance is the chief hindrance to improvement. Arrogance is the chief enemy of practice and cultivation.
自满是阻碍进步的最大因素, 傲慢是破坏道业的最大敌人。
And Yasuhisa Shiozaki, a former chief cabinet secretary, has not accepted Watanabe's entreaties to join him.
Following the director general, there are the deputy director general, section chief, supply chief and clerk.
The chief accounting officer of a company is the controller, or comptroller, as he or she is sometimes called.
The accreditation of the financial affairs chief inspector is an innovation to China economy inspector system.
But Dubai's Finance Chief finance chief said the government government does not garantee guarantee its detsdebt.
The secondary vascular tissues are the chief tissues that accumulate and store rhubarb polysaccharide in rhizome.
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Chief Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service.
This article provides an overview of Academician Wang Zhongcheng's resume, chief contributions and its significance.
Study on the chief clue of aorta and pulmonary artery in screening fetal heart and great arteries abnormities by ultrasound.
The Chief Administrative Officer and the Chief of the Finance Section are responsible for implementation of the recommendation.
Over the summer, its chief executive officer resigned, and he was quickly followed out the door by the chief operating officer.
Planning Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information Planning Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information

单词 chief 释义

  • 单词释义:负责人;首领;酋长  [更多..]



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