单词 chela 例句大全,用单词chela造句:

Razer Tergum is a giant scorpion with strong chela deadly sting.
Sprain of several months chela, why to return now swollen? The meeting when crouching aches.
If iron chela mixture goes the Yi Ke application such as amine of iron careless acyl, with promoting iron excrete.
铁螯合剂如去铁草酰胺等亦可应用, 以促进铁的排泄。
Chela sufficient asymmetry, brawnier, the 4th pair of conditions are sufficient compressed be like an oar, comfortable at swimming.
螯足不对称, 较粗壮, 第四对步足扁平似浆, 适于游泳。

单词 chela 释义

  • 单词释义:前脚,门徒;钳爪;螯钳;螯  [更多..]



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