单词 chase 例句大全,用单词chase造句:

Chase Valley during the folder there, the Huangshui Valley basin and Qinghai.
其间夹有大通河谷地 湟水谷地和青海湖盆。
Chase after Wendy and ask her to get some biscuits while she is at the shops.
Chase if ephor still does not believe her, but feel curious again, agreed then.
狩猎监督官仍然不相信她的话, 但又感到好奇, 于是就同意了。
The old lady saw the thief running up the street and gave chase on her bicycle.
老太太看见小偷从街上跑过, 便骑脚踏车去追赶。
The insurgents blow up railway tracks, seize land and chase away forest guards.
起义者炸毁了铁轨, 夺去了土地, 赶走了森林警卫。
Leaving her bike in the Berkeley Chase car park, Mary hurried down the High Street.
I have an affair to please, please chase my wife, along together take to leave here.
Experimental study of chase effect of avidin on colorectal cancer radioimmunoimaging
B. The lion should chase the gazelle until the gazelle reaches its maximum velocity.
Members of the dating group appear unbowed by the companys efforts to chase them off.
Fireflies fly everywhere on summer nights, which attract children to chase after them.
Hajji spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success.
Just as he jumped aboard the van, the bees gave up the chase and returned to their nest.
他跳上车, 蜜蜂停止了追逐, 返回了蜂巢。
Dragon Lake, Jin Feng sent Shuang autumn, shame into a lake into the wind, Yuehen chase.
龙子湖畔, 金风送秋爽, 羞惹一湖潋滟, 粼粼月痕随风逐。
Fear of helicopters were damaged, holds the rightto give up the chase plane bandit action.
I am not here to promote blind worship or chase after the perfection of primitive society.
这里, 我不是在宣扬封建迷信, 或是追念原始社会得美好。
After blossomming every time, should chase after apply nitrogen, phosphor, potash fertilizer.
Global wealthy person to houseboat chase after hold in both hands, the problem also appeared.
The authority can chase up the source of the pollution and demand that the owner clean it up.
Each of them has his masquerade and chase his achievements. There is not authentic friendship.
Images produced by bolus chase method had more motion artifacts, but did not influence diagnosis.
Cephalus, when weary of the chase, was wont to stretch himself in certain shady nook to enjoy the breeze.
刻法洛斯打猎打累了的时候, 总要到某个阴凉处躺下吹吹风。
Temple Basilica Yuan Jian, Dou Fang amount undershi shuo Chase, has obvious characteristics of nongeneration.
Chase was breathing hard. His chainmail shirt and the tan leather tunic under it had big rips from the claws.
蔡司气喘如牛, 他的链甲和内衬的皮甲上有深深的爪痕。
Don't chase the love door that I bum out you outside, my penny is a love which can't is in need of you, either.

单词 chase 释义



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