单词 chatty 例句大全,用单词chatty造句:

It is not just that cabbies are chatty it is also that talk is cheap.
这倒不光是因为的士司机爱唠叨, 还因为通话很便宜。
Sometimes I feel extremely lonely even among a crowd of chatty people.
有时候, 同周围的人说说笑笑, 却觉得异常寂寞和孤独。
When Mercury sails into Gemini on Thursday, you'll be especially chatty.
And, of course, she did not order alcohol, as this was no time to get chatty.
No problems were noted, with the exception of very chatty garbage collection.
ONeill, dressed in cricket gear for his weekly game, is gracious and chatty.
I perferred remembering him the way he was before he got sick, smiling and chatty.
The classroom atmosphere is positive, although some of the students are very chatty!
孩子们在课堂上很积极, 但是还是不乏有些男孩爱说话!
I doubt I would have ever learned Chinese were it not for the chatty taxi drivers here.
如果不是特贫的出租车司机, 我很怀疑能否学会中文。
The classroom atmosphere is positive, although some of the students are very chatty
Maybe thats coz most of the chatty and chitty gals knock offed and the place become more quiet.
But having been very chatty a few minutes previously, they all seemed to have become deaf mutes in his presence.
但是聊得很热火的时候, 一见此人, 所有的人都只好装聋扮哑。

单词 chatty 释义

  • 单词释义:爱闲聊的;爱说话的;(文章风格)聊天式的;闲谈式的  [更多..]



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