单词 deacon 例句大全,用单词deacon造句:

Eliot Deacon Oh I nearly forgot. How tall are you
艾略特主管哦, 我差点忘记了。你的身高是?
I want to find a a language partner teach me deacon english.
Is strictly rational and sea deacon of the company of double standards.
Mister Deacon says the most common reason is to have a chance to travel.
Too Young by Elton John with Roger Taylor on drums and John Deacon on bass.
Remember especially Deacon Board Chairperson Sister Luk Soo Ching in prayer.
If there is only one deacon, he takes his place at the right of the celebrant.
I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon.
High fashion, at Deacon's level, is a thing of the youth and Deacon is no fool.
Each year, approximately half of the deacon positions may be open for selection.
You know Deacon Hawkins isn't asking somebody every day to go sleighing with him.
Charles Deacon is the dean of admissions at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C.
Hall left the door there is a service, is the emperor or a deacon, minister of the dressing.
门左有具服殿, 是皇帝或主祭大臣更衣之所。
He was a deacon at the Above Bar Congregational Church where Isaac spent his formative years.
华兹父亲是公理宗的执事, 是华兹小时候在教会的楷模。
I have served as Childrens Ministry, kitchen services, deacon for the Care Dept for two year.
曾在儿童主日学, 厨房服事多年, 任关怀执事两年。
A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.
Deacon states the the situation is continually subject to change, and is less sure of the figures.
狄肯认为局势在不断变动, 数字是不可靠的。
And let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.
这等人也要先受试验。若没有可责之处, 然后叫他们作执事。
11 No member, or deacon of this church shall have any personal liability for any obligation of the church.
Petya, too, would have liked to run there, but the deacon, who had taken the young gentleman under his protection, would not let him.

单词 deacon 释义

  • 单词释义:[宗](新教,长老会等的)执事;(希腊教会的)助祭;〈英〉工会会长;〈美〉初生小牛  [更多..]



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