单词 deal 例句大全,用单词deal造句:

He lectured extensively, travelling a great deal and earning international acclaim.
A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
一点点真诚是危险的, 很多真诚则绝对是致命的。
Withemail you only deal with their messages and you deal with them on your own time.
Deal with these people, the bandit who is abode orders to her is the best sharp arms.
This is the accounting industry on the standards process to deal with current assets.
Would deal with nations as equitable law requires individuals to deal with each other.
我将公正地与其他各国友好相处, 像平等地对待个人一样。
Frogs are able to capture a great deal of insects, they are a kind of beneficial animal.
It is the stress of people compelled, every day, to deal with absurdity and nothingness.
I deal with clients on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally.
我每天都跟客户打交道, 全面处理他们得私人帐户。
AC Milan have approached Palermo over a deal for striker Amauri ahead of the January market.
Mr. Sokol, after discussing the deal with Messrs. Buffett and Abel, decided to make an offer.
He was active and creative, and accomplished a great.deal in poetry, calligraphy and painting.
The method of the traditional accounting to deal with the product warranty cost is out of date.
Accompanying the visible light, a great deal of invisible radiation, or radiant heat, is emitted.
He expected to find a great deal of light on the subject there he found a great deal of obscurity.
他满以为可以在那里访个水落石出, 结果却仍是漆黑一团。
Compensation absolute levels, also how fair is the deal, ownership interests are particularly valued.
薪酬绝对水平, 薪酬的公平性, 所有者权益尤为重要。
Hebei will continue to increase the accountability and seriously deal with those responsible personnel.
Employers and employees should deal with this matter in the spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation.
Thrift is basic principles when the farmers deal with the tense relations between accumulation and consumption.
Since the cause of the accident wasn't publicized on time, employees kept a great deal of criticism to themselves.
How to deal with the selling of fixed assets among groups of business firms in consolidated accounting statements.
And that meant that journalists had to deal with fakes, so we had to deal with old photos that were being reposted.
Instruction would be given by the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theories.
He also is met laugh of a person's mind, still Anacreontic, very heavy however, resembled assuming the deal of years of involved and abstruse.
All you need is $14,950 to reserve a week at the space camp. The deal includes hotel accommodation in Moscow, most meals and a personalized flight suit that you can keep as a souvenir.

单词 deal 释义

  • 单词释义:交易,协议;待遇;很多;发牌  [更多..]



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