单词 dab 例句大全,用单词dab造句:

A dab with a sponge won't remove the dirt, you will have to rub it.
用海绵轻轻地吸, 去不掉那污物, 你必须用力擦。
Dab liberally onto the pulse points for a longer lasting fragrance.
Dab the ink and estimate its tack by feeling the pull under finger.
然后轻轻拍打, 从手指的感觉估计它的粘度。
Dab directly onto the neck and pulse points, as often as required.
There, 'said Solomon, making a dab at Miss Pross's lips with his own.
Only about 30 per cent of about 200 DAB candidates won in the elections.
Any decision of the DAB shall be admissible in evidence in the arbitration.
在仲裁过程中, 可将争端裁决委员会的决定作为一项证据。
When your regular furniture polish doesn't work, try using a dab of car wax.
当常用的家具打磨剂不起作用时, 试试车蜡吧。
After cleansing and toning dab cream under eyes and gently smooth over skin.
清洁后, 少量的眼霜均匀涂在眼周, 轻柔按摩抚平肌肤。
If you apply this cleaning fluid, you'll find you can simply dab the dirt off.
If the stain is still visible, dab it with a cloth dipped in straight vinegar.
还有污渍的话, 用蘸了醋的布轻轻擦拭。
Alternatively, if you have toothpaste that contains peppermint oil, apply a dab.
或者, 如果你有含薄荷油得牙膏, 用一点。
We were smack dab in the middle of an argument when the boss came in the office.
我们正在争论的时候, 老板刚好就进办公室。
Study on inhibition of DAB induced hepatocarcinoma in rats by China medical stone
CHANDLER This is not out of the blue, this is smack dab in the middle of the blue.
这并不突然, 这再正常不过了。
The waves rolled up, as if it will dab your feet and as if it will drag you down.
To start, skip powder and just dab some concealer under your eyes and over blemishes.
Next time, try this Apply a dab of lemon juice directly to the wart, using a cotton swab.
下一次, 试试这个用药棉蘸柠檬汁涂在疣上。
He is a dab hand at the game. Now he can play a drinking game with everyone at his table.
Every time they dab some with their fingers, they wipe it on a corner of their workbench.
Dab the special stenciling brush into the paint, then pat off the bristles on a dry cloth.
Before you pull a tick off Fido, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip.
在你抓虱子之前, 用酒精轻轻拍一下它, 让其松手。
With universal suffrage, the DAB would lose votes and the Democratic Party would gain more seats.
The owner, Simon, is a dab hand at throwing his 450hp racing boat around the very tight, twisting course at high speed.
Your witty conversation and charming way of dealing with people will put you smack dab in the center of whatever is going on.

单词 dab 释义

  • 单词释义:少许;是…能手;做某事很在行;在某方面技术熟练  [更多..]



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