Cedarwood is also used in beauty products. It is used for both acne and dandruff.
在美容方面, 它对痤疮皮肤和头皮屑很有帮助。
Expressions of some kinds of cytokines in dandruff and its clinical significance.
Would you like some hair tonic It's good for the scalp, and it prevents dandruff.
要搽点护发素吗 这对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。
An antidandruff treatment is a drug because its intended use is to treat dandruff.
抗头皮屑药是一种治疗药物, 因为它的用途是治疗头皮屑。
B Well, have you tried Head And Shoulders Its supposed to be good for the dandruff.
好的, 你试过这个牌子吗它对头皮屑的问题有很大帮助。
It helps keep youthful elasticity in tissues, and helps treat and prevent dandruff.
有助于身体组织保持青春富有弹性, 防治头屑。
If you have dandruff you will still find a substantial amount of stuff in your hair.
如果你有头皮屑, 那你就会发现头发中仍存留着大量物质。
Isolation and Identification of Malassezia Species in the Dandruff of Married Couples
You need to improve your diet. Instead of dandruff, youve got ice cream sprinkles!
Detection of Sebum Levels on Scalp in Patients with Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis.
This kind of toilet soap helps to cleanse the pores, remove dandruff and moisturize the skin.
Dandruff is not contagious and often goes away spontaneously special shampoos can control it.
This shop has set up a special counter to sell cosmetics for removing dandruff and moisture skin.
本商店特设去屑, 润肤化妆品专柜。
But while some people may indeed suffer from a dry scalp, true dandruff is not a matter of dryness.
但是当头屑变多时, 就不仅仅是头皮或皮肤干燥的事了。
Gentle enough to use everyday and it is effective against dandruff, cradle cap, dermatitis, and lice.
Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. No more itchy scalp, and your hair will smell lemonfresh.
a reduced ester content in the skin can also lead to the development of conditions such as psoriasis, dandruff, and rosacea.
The prevention of dandruff, hair restoration of health Liangze, showing Qingsi such as silk to the United States and the effect.
预防头皮屑, 令秀发恢复健康亮泽, 呈现青丝如绸的至美效果。