The policy contravenes international law and common precepts of decency.
Officials become habitual grafters without any sense of shame or decency
贪污成风, 廉耻扫地
Oh, God, Charlie. Im just so sick of it. Your niceness and your decency.
我受够了, 你所谓的优秀和正派。
Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness.
不可忽略体面, 清洁, 否则会赃的不堪。
It is also an affront to all those who believe in dignity and human decency.
You'll get into trouble if you continue to behave without regard to decency.
All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.
Our softwareenabled products also fail to act with a basic level of decency.
Justice consists in doing no injury to men decency in giving them no offense.
To steal something of sentimental value shows a total lack of common decency.
Women grab their crotches, too. We just have the decency to do it in private.
The terrorists oppose every principle of humanity and decency that we hold dear.
These acts are an affront to all standards of human decency and international law.
He and his hind are the only representatives of decency combined with intelligence.
They showed a shameless disrespect for human rights and the norms of human decency.
If you have some decency, you should apologize to that old lady for what you've said.
They were the moneyed id in action, blind to social reality and simple human decency.
他们做什么都为了钱, 无视社会事实和起码的行为规范。
We must constantly increase the pay of the labourers, so as to let them work with decency.
我们要不断提高劳动者的报酬, 让他们体面地劳动。
The beast hasnt a shred of common decency. He deserves a bad end for dreaming of such a thing.
Decency, there are sources of tourists are given priority, a recruiting and the high commission.
manners politeness civility courtesy decency propriety Lacking social grace or graciousness rude.
In the U.S. , Google would also have benefited from Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
在美国, 谷歌将从通信内容端正法案第230节受益。
Empty of love, decency, honor, or goodness, Orcus voice perfectly mirrors the emptiness of his soul.
This identity, he says, should consist of shared values such as decency, tolerance, fair play and the rule of law.
这个身份应该包含共同的价值观, 比如礼教, 容, 等以及法治。
Those dastardly Joneses do not have the decency to stay in place, and as they climb the ladder, we must climb also.
这些人为了保持体面, 就要往上爬, 我们也必须往上爬。