单词 decided 例句大全,用单词decided造句:

Seeing that quite a few comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.
We hope to hear from you, by return, that you have decided to accept this offer.
你方决定接受此报价, 望即复。
Although her application was not accepted, but she decided to attend the seminar.
尽管她的报名未被接受, 但她仍决定参加研讨会。
But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby.
So I decided to put the men who were accused into the lions den with their families.
And so some states have decided to allow them, some states have decided to ban them.
If it is decided to commit the accused for trial, he must be sent to the Crown Court.
如果决定将被告移交审理, 他就要被转送到刑事法院。
Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire.
一旦决定了去岛上, 索比便立即着手将它变为现实。
Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire.
At last he decided to go up the mountain after her and asked the old man to accompany him.
I decided to forget about my accounting problems and just enjoy this beautiful spring day.
Mr. Sokol, after discussing the deal with Messrs. Buffett and Abel, decided to make an offer.
The committee acknowledged Zach's argument and decided to alter some articles in the new regulation.
委员会认可了扎克的意见, 决定改动几个新规定中的条例。
An official spokesman named a lot of countries from which it had been decided decided to recall our missions.
It would be absolutely great if Milan decided to make a move for me. It would be very hard to turn down Milan.
如果米兰决定为我有所行动, 那将非常棒。
Having taken the age of the accused into consideration, the court has decided to give him a suspended sentence.
Malfurions absence from the battlefield had frustrated the massive demon, who decided to take out his fury on Jarod.
He decided to start his life afresh, in accordance with the Chinese saying, A repentant libertine is worth more than gold.
这次他是下定决心要重新做人了, 真是浪子回头金不换呀!
She thought he would make an abject fool of himself, and for her sake, as well as his, decided to prevent him from standing.
Jenny was so tired after weeks of negotiation that she reached the end of her tether and decided accept the other side's offer.
His fate will be decided according to law and according to the evidence, with the burden of proof resting upon the prosecution.
Under such circumstances, I decided, first, we would first inquire of the secretariat of the conference for accurate information.
在这种情况下, 我决定第一, 向大会秘书处质询。
The Special Committee accepted the invitation and decided to dispatch a visiting mission to Tokelau during the month of August2002.
He decided to start his life afresh, in accordance with the Chinese saying," A repentant libertine is worth more than gold."
Finally, the expert group decided to abandon the idea of a single binding framework runtime like that found in the original EA release.
最后, 专家组决定放弃单个绑定框架运行时的想法。

单词 decided 释义

  • 单词释义:清楚的;坚决的;明显的;明白无误的  [更多..]



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