单词 dealt 例句大全,用单词dealt造句:

Criminal punishment has been intensified, and a batch of big and vital cases have been dealt with.
强化刑事打击, 查办了一批大案要案。
But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant, there have they dealt treacherously against me.
If unable to be returned, they shall be delivered to and dealt with by the port drug administration.
The Attorney General's Office has dealt with prostitution cases in Maldives in the last three years.
在过去三年里, 总检察长办公室处理了马尔代夫的卖淫案件。
Australia also set for a weighty crop, having successfully dealt with a threatened plague of locusts.
The Agreement of the People put before Parliament,but laid aside until the King had been dealt with.
The preceding section dealt with the validity of state regulation in the absence of federal regulation.
In ordinary chemical phase analyses of tungsten only tungstite, scheelite and wolframite are dealt with.
Incidents of domestic violence were dealt with by the authorities under the laws on assault and battery.
In ordinary chemical phase analyses of tung sten only tungstite, scheelite and wolframite are dealt with.
The share reserved shall, if the baby is stillborn, be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession.
Whilst not exclusively concerned with filtration and sedimentation, these operations are dealt with in depth.
Whilst not exclusively concerned with filtration and sedimentation, these operations will be dealt with depth.
Such violations of the law as forging invoices and vouchers and falsifying accounts must be dealt with severely.
Anyone who has engaged in criminal activities must be dealt with in accordance with Party discipline and state law.
不管牵涉到谁, 都要按照党纪, 国法查处。
Those embezzlers and grafters who are reckless with greed must be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy.
When Karonas Zealot is turned face up, all damage that would be dealt to it this turn is instead dealt to target creature.
Operate a switchboard and receive visitors so that all callervisitors are dealt with promptly, courteously, and accurately.
操作总机, 接待访客, 及时礼貌地对待来电者来访者。
The valuation of land use rights is to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of laws and administration regulations.
Boiling Blood The damage of this ability will now be dealt over 10 seconds. The total amount of damage dealt remains unchanged.
这个技能的伤害持续效果变为10秒, 但总伤害量不变。
His claim for damages after the car accident has still not been properly dealt with by the insurance company after all this time.
Cases involving off books accounts and arbitrary spending in violation of regulations will be investigated and dealt with severely.
Demonic Retaliation improves Demonic Fire ability. Additional fire damage to enemy creatures would be dealt on retaliation strikes as well.
Enterprises that commit violations of the provisions shall be investigated and dealt with by organs of industry and commerce administration.
Be aware that suspended and inactive will be dealt with as before. That means they can be moved to lowest division. This will affect the rest of the league.

单词 dealt 释义

  • 单词释义:[牌戏]分( deal的过去式和过去分词 );分配;经营;施予  [更多..]



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