单词 dear 例句大全,用单词dear造句:

An old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter ah, my dear!
'Dear Abby ' and ' Ann Landers ' have an interesting personal connection.
My dear, Christmas arrived, I am good miss you all.I wish you a happy ah.
My dear friends, do you think the snack stalls should be kept or abandoned?
This is an abbreviated form of dear which is a familiar greeting on Taobao.
Love give me strength! And strength shall help afford. farewell, dear father!
爱情啊, 给我力量吧!只有力量可以搭救我。再会, 亲爱的神父!
There are things which we hold very dear, and I think rightly hold very dear.
"Pull the cracker with the little girl, dear," coaxes the old woman.
This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.
Dear customer, your signature is not exist, please afresh establish, thank you.
亲爱的用户, 您的签名不存在, 请重新设置, 谢谢!
The early dear, dear memories of that brief prime of love rushed back upon her.
The ' Dear Abby ' column in a week typically receives more than 10, 000 letters.
I hope that all my dear colleagues can go on working and achieve better results.
还望各位同仁再接再厉, 取得更好得成绩。
Accept my sincere congratulations to you and dear John upon the arrival of a son.
Dear Judy and Yoyo, thanks you very much for teaching us a lesson of life and love.
Dear Leo, go for the gold while conditions are so perfect for you to find advancement.
啊, 小狮子, 抓住这完美的机会, 摘得黄金吧!
My dear students! Right in the corridor you might have seen the academic caps and gowns.
Certainly, my dear, and Knockdunder, who is a good judge, is strongly advising me to buy it.
Except abundant harvest joyful, thick dear ones, but also has millennium culture accumulation.
I tell you, my dear, I cannot absolve myself from the promises I make to these helpless creatures
亲爱的, 我答应过这些无依无靠的人, 决不能自食其言。
Against conventional benchmarks like purchasingpower parity, the euro looks dear against the dollar.
Altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies.
这个可憎的地方是如此的脏和不好闻, 他作呕地走开。
Some people cling to for dear life rottenlyhit must said is someone entertainer's illegitimate child, goes toextremes absurdly.
'Dear Abby'. With these two words, millions of letters have begun their outpourings of anxiety and concern, seeking an answer to emotional or family problems.
The newspaper columnist ' Dear Abby ' also has a wicked wit, and a glint in her eye as she sometimes advises people with the tone ' don't take yourself too seriously'.

单词 dear 释义

  • 单词释义:亲爱的;敬爱的;昂贵的;严厉的  [更多..]



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