单词 debase 例句大全,用单词debase造句:

Design the material and debase the demand for the presentation skill
精心设计培训课程, 以便降低对演讲和表达技巧的要求
He cannot say the poem is bad already, want to debase that individual again.
We can sculpt our existence into somethin beautiful, or debase it into ugliness.
The Debase of Shielding Effectiveness Brought by Optical Fiber and the Countermeasure
And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly
除妄自菲薄者外, 谁愿鄙弃易卜拉欣的宗教呢?
How to debase the influences of the noise and the disturbs, realize the normal communication.
如何降低噪声干扰的影响, 实现正常的通信。
Using protection cast process in the whole course to debase the content of gas and inclusion.
In track cycling, there are some ways to punish admonition, penalize time, fine, and debase class.
在自行车运动中, 违规罚责有警告, 罚时间, 罚款和降低名次。
At the same time , the negative effect of some illegal advertisements becomes the focus of public debase.
与此同时, 一些违法广告的负面影响问题更成为争论的焦点。
It would be wrong to fail to realize this and to debase the politics and the statesmen of the proletariat.
The United States has gone so far as to slander and debase the supreme leadership of its dialogue partner.
Therefore,some traditional and newtype ways to debase content of Ca2 and Mg2 are introduced in this article.
Debase proportion of feed and milk about 0.050.15, improve the digestion avail ability about straw of coarse feed.
In spite of all this, these people now do the same in their ravings, they debase their bodies, scorn the celestial authorities, blaspheme against the angels.

单词 debase 释义

  • 单词释义:降低质量(地位、价格等);降低(硬币的)价值,贬值  [更多..]



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