单词 debt 例句大全,用单词debt造句:

Debt cancellation should not be restricted to loans from IMF and recycling aid and debt.
The issue of external debt and the problem of debt overhang deserve urgent consideration.
This means through which individuals can set up the stock and fund accounts buy debt places.
这意味着, 个人可通过开设的股票和基金账户购买地方债。
And high demand for government debt rather than corporate debt could stifle economic growth.
On the specific question of external debt, calls were made to broaden and deepen debt relief.
关于具体的外债问题, 会上呼吁扩大和深化债务减免。
Countries have reduced their external debt burdens and improved their external debt profiles.
The Analysis and Discussion of Some Financial Ratio about Debt Paying Ability and Profit Ability
Three Capital Reduction Announcements and Debt Liquidation Report and Debt Guarantee Certificate
The ratios of total debt and debt service to exports of goods and services continued to decline.
As she couldn't pay him back, her friend accepted to carry forward her debt until the next month.
We'll also have access to leprechaun pots of gold, which will help us pay down our national debt.
Debt Service Cash required in a given period for the repayment of interest and principal of a debt.
But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt, the Greeks took the money and ran.
accounting lunacy that allowed them to extract profits from a decline in the value in their own debt.
Inherited bad debt, onerous and illegitimate debt should be cancelled in the spirit of social justice.
Porsche ran up euro 9 billion in debt when it accumulated a stake in Volkswagen in an abortive takeover.
在吸股收购大众汽车失败之后, 保时捷负债高达90亿欧元。
The comparison of the handling the loss of bad debt between in the new accountant system and the old one
Debt Overhang A situation where the debt stock of a country exceeds the country's future capacity to repay.
Investments in debt obligations usually are maintained in the accounts at cost until they are sold or mature.
Debt sustainability depends on primary surpluses, the growth rate, and the interest paid to service the debt.
Accounting system of China's enterprises, enterprises can only account for bad debt allowance for loss method.
我国企业会计制度规定, 企业只能采用备抵法核算坏账损失。
Accounts receivable position has been improved as a result of efforts in monitoring and improving debt collection.
In addition to denominated debt instruments, the system also accepts foreign currency denominated debt instruments.
Reflection on the Cordon of China's Government Debt at the Present Stage; and Precautions to be Taken against Debt Risks.
Through evaluation, enterprises whose assets and debt are quite balanced will implement a zero assets sale and debt will go with the assets.

单词 debt 释义

  • 单词释义:债务;负债;恩情;人情债  [更多..]



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