单词 bagging 例句大全,用单词bagging造句:

In this paper, effects of preharvest bagging on postharvest storage property of Lizao jujube were studied.
Next brightness two kinds of fried tea undertake spelling caboodle, bagging, the crock that use ash stores up.
然后把辉炒的两种茶叶进行拼堆。装袋, 用灰缸贮藏。
There is high temperature and humidity with strong wind in south China, so the requirements of paper bag quality for fruit bagging is higher.
我国南方气候高温高湿风大, 对水果套袋用纸有较高的要求。

单词 bagging 释义

  • 单词释义:n.装袋,制袋材料  [更多..]



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