单词 balloon 例句大全,用单词balloon造句:

Methods Rat models of acute balloon injury of common carotid artery were established.
We may even be able to arrange a helicopter, plane or balloon trip over the mountains.
The balloon is deflated prior to catheter removal by aspirating back the fluid or air.
气球是瘪之前, 导管抽吸去除后的液体或空气。
People usually make an airless balloon halfairfilled, put it on the hand, then blow it hard.
人们通常给气球冲上一半气, 放在手上, 然后使劲吹。
For example a vehicle which is less than the density of air, then it is a balloon or airship.
abstract Objective Evaluation of balloon dilatation in treatment of esophageal stenosis patients.
mom with a red balloon edge amuse the baby side say childrens songs, lets the baby to appreciate.
Massive hemoptysis treated by doublelumen balloon floatation catheter tamponade technique in airway.
Jenny, what I told you is a secret, please don't tell anybody or it would balloon into a huge scandal.
Objective To evaluate the effect of the thermal balloon endometrial ablation on cases with menorrhagia.
Further advised that the object found resembles a high altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector.
The Clinical Analyses of the Treatment of285 Cases with Anastomotic Stenosis by the Pulse Balloon Expansion
The Clinical Analyses of the Treatment of283 Cases with Anastomotic Stenosis by the Pulse Balloon Expansion.
A spinal cord injury model by compression from ventral aspect with water balloon and histopathological study
Mapping and Ablation of Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia Using A Noncontact Balloon Catheter Mapping System.
The problem is mainly delt with unwinding balloon shape control and tension adjustment during weft bobbin unwinding.
The neutrally charged water was attracted to the negatively charged balloon because the water molecules were polarized.
由于水分子被极化, 不带电的水即被带负电荷的气球吸引。
I got hooked on Water Balloon Drop, but there's also online poker, trivia games and even an Austin Powers dancing game.
Influence of balloon predilation pressure before stent implantation in de novo coronary artery lesion on clinical outcome
Intra aortic balloon pump in adjuvant treatment of 35 patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated with pump failure
After we putting a metal ruler onto a balloon which carries static electricity, will the balloon lose some of the electricity?
当我们把铁尺放在带有静电的气球上, 气球会流失静电吗?
A Research into Atherosclerotic Vascular Remodeling Induced by Balloon Hyperinflation in Carotid Artery Intima of the Guizhou Minipigs
The Effect of Transient Balloon Occlusion of the Mitral Orifice on Left Atrial Appendage Blood Flow Velocity and Spontaneous Echo Contrast
The use of extraamniotic saline infusion with a balloon catheter or a double balloon catheter also appears to be effective for cervical ripening.
Safety and efficacy of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in patients with severe mitral stenosis and thrombus in the left atrial appendage

单词 balloon 释义



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