单词 balance 例句大全,用单词balance造句:

Thanks to its self-cleaning funtion, the sea is able to maintain its ecological balance.
Effects of Acceleration of Gravity on Electronic Analytical Balance and Its Compensation
In general this type of balance is more interesting to look at than symmetrical balance.
通常, 这种形式的平衡比对称平衡更能使人发生兴趣。
Preparing income statement and balance sheet based on the balance in the ledger account.
The new balance must be the balance before the execution of the routine plus some amount.
Whether there is a causal relationship between the internal balance and external balance.
Looking for the current ledger balance, you can rigorously specify which balance you want.
The Analytical Balance Indicator Swings the Unusal Reason and the Accent Repairs the Method
To write off an account receivable is to reduce the balance of the customer's account to zero.
In balance acupuncture group, the balance technique of acupuncture was used on Jiantong point.
The pressure in this model is determined by mass balance, energy balance and phase equilibrium.
To balance load and increase solutions diversity, tasks balance mutation operator was designed.
Software of Materials Balance and Heat Balance Calculation for Steelmaking with Oxygen Converter
Booster pump when the pressure to break the balance of the work automatically to the next balance.
The draft,which was just present,has been accepted in order to discharge the balance in your favour.
Closing a revenue account, therefore, means transferring its credit balance to the income summary account.
因此, 结清收入账户就是将其贷方余额转入收益汇总账户。
The draft,which has just been presented,has been accepted in order to discharge the balance in your favour.
The practice that comes from nearly 3 years looks, shaanxi is preliminary accomplished hold filling balance.
The swaying balance beam is suitable for helping children develop the body coordination and balance ability.
Improvement on energy saving effect of a compound balance beam pumping unit with downward beam balance weight
Wenger Subtlety can find the right balance Get the balance of your team right and the results usually follow.
正确保持球队的平衡, 好成绩就会接踵而来。
Research on the saving energy effect of a compound balance beam pumping unit of beam balance weight deviated downward
If there is any balance left after the set off , such balance shall be included into the taxable income of the current year.
抵补坏账损失后仍有余额的, 计入该年度应纳税所得额。
WO closing means to calculate the balance of input and output and close the order by each order in accordance its status of completion.
指根据每批产, 派工指令完成情况, 进行核算及小结。
One end of a sliding axle of the balance bridge is fixed on the stander. The sliding axle is movably connected with the balance bridge.

单词 balance 释义

  • 单词释义:均衡,平衡(能力);天平;余额  [更多..]



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