单词 base 例句大全,用单词base造句:

Ovary constricted at base into a stipe, without concave nectaries at base.
子房缢缩的在基部成为一柄, 没有凹陷蜜穴在基部。
Abstract base classes are quite elegant to encapsulate calling conventions.
a supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital
含基座, 柱头和柱身, 起支撑作用的柱子
Chapter two the academic base of the system of Punitive Damages in tort law.
第二部分, 侵权法惩罚性损害赔偿制度的理论基础。
A supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital.
支柱含基座, 柱头和柱身, 起支撑作用的柱子
Bracteoles without crest filaments united at base, lateral appendages absent.
Stem much reduced, almost absent, base clothed in papery remnant sheaths.
When ordering please advice the VISE without swivel base or with swivel base.
Style subbasal, clavate, thin at base, constricted at base of dilated stigma.
花柱近基部, 棍棒状, 薄的在基部, 膨大柱头的缢缩的在基部。
Calyx pyriform or turbinate, base attenuate fruit base narrow or long attenuate.
花萼梨形或者陀螺状, 基部渐狭果基部狭窄或者长渐狭。
Research on the knowledge base and standard mold base library of injection moulds
A position taken by a base runner away from one base in the direction of the next.
Our company owns stabile fruitproduction base and stabile vegetableproduction base.
Upper sepal navicular, abaxially glabrous, shortly beaked, ca.2 cm from base to beak.
Shows how to downcast from a base class to a class derived from the base class using.
The machine base adapt meehante cast iron. the support base of the guideway is stable.
床体底座采用米汉纳铸铁, 龙门式结构, 导轨支撑面稳定。
Leaves usually 515 mm, attenuate into short petiole at base perianth parted to base.
39 Leaflet blades abaxially pubescent at least on midvein toward base or secondary veins.
We must integrate consolidation of the Partys class Base with expansion of its mass Base.
Abnormal Yield Behavior and Deformation Mechanism of Nickel Base Single Crystal Superalloy
An electronic gyroscope20 is mounted on the base for determining pan movement in the base.
Leaf base rounded, abaxially pale white, margin entire or undulate samara green when young.
叶基部圆形, 背面浅白色, 边缘全缘或波状幼时的翅果绿色。
Leaf blade abaxially nearly glabrous, base truncate, margin serrulate. Inflorescence dense.
叶片背面近无毛, 基部截形, 边缘有细锯齿花序紧密。
The development of farming, accelerate the construction of chestnuts, Mandarin orange base.
Provides the abstract base class for a collection whose keys are embedded within the values.

单词 base 释义

  • 单词释义:基础,底部;根据;来源;主要成分;总部,基地;垒;碱;基数  [更多..]



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