单词 base 例句大全,用单词base造句:

Filaments equal or unequal in length, somewhat connate at base and adnate to base of petals.
The praise absolute sincerity team spirit, the blessing creates base's industry magnificence!
礼赞精诚协作精神, 祝福共创基业的辉煌!
A base station will be established in the dispatching room, equipped with an FM base station.
在调度室设立一个基站, 配一部调频基地台。
As the waterbearing base material, use can be made of a gel matrix or absorbent base material.
Our base areas are constantly and contracting, and often as one base area falls another rises.
By the amide and aliphatic chain or alicyclic base line base connected criminal macromolecules.
Base year The year1990 should be the base year for the estimation and reporting of inventories.
the fluorescent powder on the surface of the base reinforces the decorative function of the base.
底座表面的荧光粉, 增强了底座的装饰作用。
In the tax base valuation part, a simulation of property tax base is conducted based on residence.
在税基评估方面, 以住宅为例, 模拟了物业税税基的评估过程。
The workpiece is located from two of the four holes in its base, and from the underside of the base.
The gonads open near the base of the abdomen and the excretory organs are usually Malpighian tubules.
If there are reconnaissance aircraft at the base, this base can automatically conduct reconnaissance.
如果有侦察飞机在基地, 这基地能自动地进行侦察。
Food, health and education are at the base of security and at the base of a good life for individuals.
Leaf base shallowly cordate. Inflorescences and abaxial surface of calyx subglabrous or sparsely hairy.
The development trends of water base, nonwater base and holt melt adhesives for carpet backing are described.
The abstract base class from which all durable service persistence providers that implement locking are derived.
Quantitative wheel base adjustment mechanism can achieve test bench wheel base adjustment arrival location one time.
Microsurgical treatment and reconstruction of skull base on large communicating tumors of anterior and middle skull base
Shanghai Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai popular science education base and an important base for leisure travel.
A Comparative Study of Clinical Application Between One Piece Casting Metal Base Complete Denture and Resin Base Complete Denture
A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an endsfixed beam is established.
With rise of base level, sediments showed retrogradation features, in contrast, with drop of base level, sediments had progradation.
The base plate and the horizontal plane form a certain angle, and the front end of the base plate is higher than the rear end thereof.
The utility model discloses a gas distributor in the chemical industry, including a cylindrical base, a piston, a bottom cover and a spring.
Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality. It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying.
施用方法以基施为宜, 集中条施或穴施效果较好。

单词 base 释义

  • 单词释义:基础,底部;根据;来源;主要成分;总部,基地;垒;碱;基数  [更多..]



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