单词 bathroom 例句大全,用单词bathroom造句:

Although he had been treated with antibiotics, he went to the bathroom repeatedly.
I thought my anxiety website computers to the Internet, a chimera to the bathroom.
我心里焦虑我的网站, 打开电脑去上网, 望月去了洗澡间。
The three of us stood in the bathroom eagerly waiting for telltale line to appear.
Base material is the main part of bathroom ark, it is covered by surface materials.
基材是浴室柜的主体, 它被面材所掩饰。
The fasces you purchase must be synchronized with the architecture of your bathroom.
Well, I was going to apologize, but maybe I should wait until you tackle the bathroom.
It is truly amazing to be surrounded by the naturalist a shower in a bathroom enclosure.
Abby retreats back into the apartment, and waits behind the bathroom door, holding a gun.
Archimedes, you are late again. Don't tell me that you were locked again in the bathroom.
You need to keep the mystery alive and one way to do that is by closing the bathroom door.
Leakage Causes of the Toilet and Bathroom in Buildings and Designing and Preventive Measures
The bathroom of natural lighting, crock having bath and flower asperse two kinds of equipment.
自然采光的浴室, 有浴缸和花洒两种设备。
When you arrive at your destination, immediately hang up your clothes, ideally in the bathroom.
Each guest room and bathroom shall have adequate ventilation and shall receive sufficient light.
Bathroom door is rushing relatively with bedroom door, advocate the person that live is sickish.
He ate hungrily then we went to the bathroom and made wudhu, the ritual cleansing before prayer.
他吃得很香然后我们去浴室做了小净 礼拜前的清洁仪式。
National implementation of the new, leading to further aggravate the bathroom industry reshuffle.
There is an Ensuite bathroom with full laundry facilities attached to the large separate bedroom.
有套房式浴室, 连洗衣设施, 靠著大睡房。
In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched.
Very softly, she put bare feet into slippers, pulled a robe around her and went toward the bathroom.
The on-campus accommodation is comprised of a lounge, a shared kitchen, a private bathroom and a bedroom.
The apartment is full Minger Agency, bathroom with window, kitchen with windows, ventilation is very good.
Human oriented Sinomerry brings you advanced technology in a bathroom cabinet for healthy living every day!
If you had anything to is send to the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bah behind the door of the bathroom.
如果您要出租汽车, 您可以请服务台为您叫一辆。
The main products are heated towel rail, bathroom accessories, balustrade systems, furniture frames, marine parts, louver systems, galvanized trailers, and other tailor made products.
我们始终站在客户身边, 选择最优秀的产品给世界的用户。

单词 bathroom 释义



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