单词 cabinet 例句大全,用单词cabinet造句:

Egypts interim military government announced a cabinet reshuffle in response to public protests.
为应对公众的抗议活动, 埃及临时军政府宣布重组内阁。
Industry Home Appliances Processing Air Purifier Dryers For Soap Dispenser Disinfection cabinet.
The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.
The appliance that wash gargle can be put on its mesa, the cabinet below still can be put sundry.
Silicone rubber heating board system equipped on cabinet cover to ensure drying within cabinet cover.
箱盖内采用硅橡胶加热板加热系统, 保证箱盖内干燥不漏水。
The cabinet has one adjustable shelf and the door can be mounted with the opening to the right or left.
As a kid, I used to tweak the antenna continually and maybe even pound the top of our TVs wood cabinet.
我小时候会一直调整天线, 甚至还会敲电视机的木造外壳。
The shelf in the cabinet changes personally, teak, camphorwood became the protagonist of cabinet shelf.
The list of medical and social grounds for induced abortions was established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Human oriented Sinomerry brings you advanced technology in a bathroom cabinet for healthy living every day!
His choices for a cabinet immediately reopened the conflicts that had appeared during the party convention.
And Yasuhisa Shiozaki, a former chief cabinet secretary, has not accepted Watanabe's entreaties to join him.
Is indeed of high quality furniture, home decoration industry and the mainstream cabinet accessory products.
The broken line on the base cabinet stands for kick toe and those on the wall cabinet stand for top valance.
地柜平面图的虚线表示地脚板, 吊柜平面上的虚线表示顶线。
It boasts brands including Kanje kitchen cabinet, Fusan wooden door, Star bath cabinet, and Juepin cloakroom.
There were few specifics but Chinas cabinet, the state council, admitted several problems had not been foreseen.
还有一些细节, 国务院承认有些问题是没有预见到的。
The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the head of that agency, is not a member of the Cabinet.
Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.
Cabinet placed in corrosive items to avoid direct contact with the surface of cabinet put oneself in anothers position.
The Investigation and Improvement of Average Temperature Distribution in a fresh cabinet of Household Refrigerating Appliances
Elaine Chao is the 24th Secretary of Labor and the first Asian American female appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history.
Their congressional seats are then filled by special elections. The president and vice president are supported by an appointed cabinet.
The executive power is vested in the cabinet.The Prime Minister and other cabinet members areappointed by the President of the Republic.
Cabinet minister enriched his rights relying on his party, and a party could fight against other parties with the help of cabinet ministers.
阁臣依托党派为自己谋权, 党派借助阁臣攻击他党。
The utility model relates to an intelligent supersonic kitchen ware sterilizing cabinet, which is composed of a cabinet body and a control panel.

单词 cabinet 释义

  • 单词释义:内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜  [更多..]



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