单词 burns 例句大全,用单词burns造句:

Observed Bacterial Content on Suspension Bed Sheet in Burns Intensive Care Unit.
But burns method handling which after ash usually still was uses fills in buries.
Artificial grass will tend to give painful friction burns in equivalent situations.
在相同环境下, 人造草容易给皮肤造成引起疼痛的摩擦刺激。
Seek professional help in treating the burns. Do NOT apply burn creams or ointments.
Clinical study and treatment of severe burns combined with blast injury of the lungs.
Burns announced negotiations on reprocessing would begin before the end of next month.
somebody with the gall to pull that kind of bullshit on our campus fuckin burns me up.
有人恶毒地把那东西给拔了, 在我们学校?火死我了。
The irritation of his burns was so tense that the patient dept tearing at the bandages.
There was no difference for fluid management between burns and burns inhalation injury.
单纯烧伤与烧伤伴吸入性损伤的输液情况, 两者并无差异。
Apply the mixture to the affected areas and within a few hours, your burns will subside.
把混合物涂抹在感染处, 几小时内, 你的烫伤就会消退。
Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate and less fat.
Burns of the anterior aspect of the neck should be positioned with the neck in extension.
颈前烧伤定位时, 应置颈部于伸位。
Burns of the anterior aspect of the neck should be positioned with the neck in extention.
颈前烧伤时, 应置颈部于伸位。
The Bible often compares trials to a metal refiner's fire that burns away the impurities.
Amniotic membrane transplantation in chemical and thermal burns of cornea and conjunctiva.
Five ambulance vehicles are on the scene and Darwin hospital's burns trauma unit is on standby.
五辆救护车到场, 同时达尔文医院的烧创伤病房也已准备好。
The fire burns through dozens of homes before frantic villagers are able to put down the blaze.
在狂乱的村民扑灭大火之前, 这场火又烧毁了几十家。
Awakening is such a fire that it burns everything that is false, and only the pure gold remains.
The effect of scab excision time on the livability of dermal grafting for the alkali burns of rats
The Acupuncture Points Burns a Method to Delay Sex Muscle to Hurt the Athlete Restored of Influence
Objective Investigation on clinical application of amniotic graft in treating severe ocular alkali burns.
Objective To investigate the affect of Dilantin on the immunosuppressive factor serum of the burns patients.
Dioscorides, a Greek historian, recommended Aloe Vera as a treatment for burns, kidney ailments and constipation.
To avoid the possibility of burns, turn off the lamp AT least 30 minutes before removing it for replacement or adjustment.
为避免烫伤, 请在电灯关掉30秒后再行更换或调整。
Effects of amniotic membrane transplantation combined with limbal autograft transplantation for patients with middle or severe eye burns

单词 burns 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>络腮胡子,大鬓角;烧伤,烧痕( burn的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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