单词 cambridge 例句大全,用单词cambridge造句:

Many Cambridge students punt as a parttime job and were eager to attract customers.
许多剑桥学生都以撑篙为副业, 热心地招揽客人。
When looking back, the whole three years in cambridge is just like a blink of time.
Blunt, too, loved to discussed the scandalous side of Cambridge life in the 1930 s.
Ada was 15 when she met the Cambridge mathematics professor Babbage 175 years ago today.
I wish to enter a Cambridge College to read for a bachelor degree of science in physics.
He worked as an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Those officers running the Cambridge ring might be accused of sabotage. They might be shot.
负责剑桥团伙的官员将被指控为蓄意破坏, 甚至会被枪决。
Cambridge K. Wilson, J. Wa lker Principlis and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry 3th ed.
An Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre Advisory Council, Cambridge, England
Jahnke will appear before magistrates in Cambridge tomorrow charged with a public order offence.
Two nickel project in New Caledonia run by the International Nickel Industry Co. and Cambridge Co.
Cambridge University provides opportunities for academic achievement which are probab1y unequalled.
Forster proved to be a bright student, and he went on to attend Cambridge University, graduating in.
Cambridge exams are accepted by a great number of educational institutions and companies of all types.
Liang Xi is a research associate the Electricity Policy Research Group at the University of Cambridge.
梁希, 剑桥大学电力政策研究组副研究员。
Archer, M. S. , Realist social rhe.ry The morphogenetic approach, Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
郑博真, 教师在职进修问题与改进途径之探讨, 台湾教育, 5058。
The Genesis of Modern Management A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, Cambridge, Mass.
Systematical research on the bond valences of molybdenum cluster compounds with Cambridge Structural Database
Gauch, G. H. 1982. Multivariate analysis in community ecology. Cambridge University. Press, Cambridge. 296 pp.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge studied an Indonesian butterfly known as the peacock or swallowtail.
Stewart W N. 1983.Palaeobotany and the Evolution of Plants.Cambridge the Press Syndicate of the Univ of Cambridge.
王开发, 王宪曾。1983。孢粉学概论。北京北京大学出版社。
On the Relationship of Analytical School of Cambridge and the Foundation of the Approximate Theory of Solitary Waves
I personally was accepted into the Dept of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Cambridge, i.e.Hawking's dept!
This natural selection of mutations was first proposed by another Cambridge man, Charles Darwin, in 1857, though he didn't know the mechanism for it.
It has a double helix structure, like a spiral staircase, which was discovered by Francis Crick and James Watson in the Cavendish lab at Cambridge in 1953.

单词 cambridge 释义

  • 单词释义:n.剑桥(英国城市,剑桥大学所在地)  [更多..]



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