单词 canning 例句大全,用单词canning造句:

Food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking.
未经罐装, 脱水, 冷冻, 熏制储存的食品。
Ivan can not eat the canned fruit in the can because it is not the canning factory.
The processing technique of passion fruit juice by belt style press and aseptic canning
Shrub of southeastern United States grown commercially especially for canning industry.
Cannery Row, at the time, had the biggest industrial canning operation on the west coast.
那时的坎纳里鲁夫,有着西海岸最大的 工业化罐头工厂。
In this case, boiling water canning is for canning things that are already pretty acidic.
这个例子中,沸水中的罐头 是用来贮存酸性食物的
Breeding of New Yellow Peach Variety Red Star Used for Fresh Eating and Canning Processing
Her mother taught her to cook and sew, and her grandparents taught her canning and preserving.
The canning,the preserving,the freezing the kitchen harvest in all its variety, reaches it peak.
The admission ticket of this football games canning buy in the gymnasium can also buy on the net.
The canning, the preserving, the freezing the kitchen harvest in all its variety, reaches it peak.
罐装, 腌制, 冷冻, 厨房五花八门的贮藏工作忙到极点。
Canning Canning Beef can be satisfactorily preserved by canning if the proper procedures are used.
The invention of canning is in the need of the times and the inevitable result of social development.
Su destroys snow Cu eyebrow, helplessly canning be hugged by the other celebration oneself is in the breast.
The basic formula and technology of green soybean fish paste canning for infants and young children were studied.
Does the grass folk contrast for what adult build being the ship that the distant aptitude sail can fight, how canning
草民为大人造的是能远航能打仗的船, 怎么能比呢?
The Influence of George Canning and Edmund Burke on W. E. Gladstones Early Political Opinions and His Political Positions

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