单词 admittedly 例句大全,用单词admittedly造句:

C. Admittedly, when competition gets out of the control of morals, society suffers.
Liquidity growth is still high, admittedly, but the trend is in the right direction.
Admittedly this might be a stretch for PR; it is an even bigger stretch for the socks.
This is an old climate model, admittedly, a punch card, a single line of Fortran code.
這是老式的氣候模式,無可否認 打孔卡,單行福傳語言
Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long.and six feet wide.
这个馅饼盘子确实少见, 有18英尺长, 宽6英尺
We found in our gang and, admittedly, this was not really sort of a standard situation.
Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.
For decades, admittedly, no neuroscientist has been known to repeat the love experiment.
Admittedly, consumption cannot be sustained indefinitely by running up the national debt.
众所周知, 消费难以通过增加国债而无限度地维持。
Admittedly, different governments have different restrictions on the scientific research.
必须承认, 不同国家的政府对科学研究具有不同的限制。
The remaining hurdle, admittedly a high one, is to collect the current from the antennae.
Admittedly, those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certain extent.
我们必须承认, 那些反对此观点的人们也有一定的道理。
Admittedly we can make the journey by train, but there is no harm in our travelling by boat.
Admittedly, it is natural that those cool and fashionable stars seem attractive to the youth.
Admittedly, the temperature is regarded as the treatment of renal aphrodisiac Yang impotence.
Admittedly, this kind of advice can sound like woolly newage claptrap to newspaper publishers.
下一步是允许, 不, 应该是鼓励读者参与到每一个单独的网页。
Admittedly, cannot deny because of this cantering action, but also cannot exaggerate its action.
Admittedly, translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and our work.
Shuang Jian adds up to a wall admittedly the advantage is huge, but also have a lot of drawback.
双剑合壁固然优势巨大, 但也有很多缺陷。
Admittedly, what we have observed in this study is far from complete and it requires further research.
I think that the first approach is cleaner than the second one, but it is admittedly harder to implement.
我认为第一种方法比第二种更简洁, 但实现起来更为困难。
Admittedly the subject is difficult,but most of the pupils are making an attempt to have given up the ghost.
Admittedly, they are advanced and complex, requiring a bit more of a learning curve on the part of the end user.
My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.
Admittedly, already, through our own genotypes, and by our choice of mate, we limit the gene pool available to each child.

单词 admittedly 释义



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