单词 agreed 例句大全,用单词agreed造句:

In a moment of aberration , he almost agreed to let the younger man move in with him.
他一时糊涂, 差点答应让那小子搬进来一起住。
Internationally accepted standards as agreed under the Oslo II Accord should be used.
The adjustment of general average is govemed by the rules agreed by the parties to it.
共同海损理算, 适用当事人约定的理算规则。
At first he insisted on the accuracy of his account, however, he agreed with what I said.
一开始他坚持他的说法准确, 可他还是同意了我的论点。
The paper says it is generally agreed that the memories of adults and children are fallible.
The Working Group agreed that the substance of paragraphs56 and57 as drafted were acceptable.
The accused received service of the indictment and agreed to cooperate with the Trial Chamber.
Every time he said it, I agreed completely, accepted the guilt, bought everything in the store.
In response to members request, the Administration agreed to advance the installation programme.
At its closing plenary meeting, on24 January2003 the Commission adopted its agreed recommendations.
The Tehran workshop carried this process forward and adopted for the first time agreed conclusions.
He admitted that he took the recorder apart, and he agreed to replace the broken recorder with a new one.
Living conditions and other aspects of accommodation shall be agreed upon in a separate written agreement.
The fund consists of contributions provided by the Parties in accordance with agreed scales of assessment.
However, whether or not charges should be adjusted to go through the owners agreed to the General Assembly.
Setting a date or arranging to get together may be done several days in advance or agreed on spontaneously.
It also agreed that United Nations efforts had encouraged increased cooperation among mine affected States.
He returns to the house empress, advising to say that the grandpa puts the small bird flies, the grandpa agreed.
他回到家后, 劝说爷爷把小鸟放飞, 爷爷同意了。
In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers.
Action by the Commission At its closing plenary, on10 March2006, the Commission adopted its agreed recommendations.
It is generally agreed some adults who experience sexual abuse may recall memories of the abuse after forgetting it.
Where otherwise agreed to in a contract, remuneration may be paid in accordance with the terms of the said contract.
Bilateral swap arrangements under the Chiang Mai Initiative have also been agreed upon to achieve the same objective.
The other five parties also agreed, in turn, to take corresponding measures in accordance with the13 February agreement.
But it was also agreed that the characteristics of acquisition financing rights in law and practice should be respected.
但是还商定, 应当在法律和实务中尊重购置款融资权的特点。

单词 agreed 释义

  • 单词释义:同意的;接受的;经过协议的;双方共同议定的  [更多..]



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