单词 adulterer 例句大全,用单词adulterer造句:

So, I was able to stone one adulterer.
所以,我真 的拿石头打了一个通奸者。
The adulterer is Tang Leong, a bar proprietor.
而奸夫的名字藤亮, 他开了一间酒吧。
But he's still an adulterer, and still quite angry.
但是他仍然 是奸夫,而且看起来很生气。
If you have been cheating on your spouse, you are being an adulterer.
Besides, she's just an adulterer, and the Queen never liked her anyway.
另外, 她还有一个奸夫呢, 而且女王从来也没喜欢过她。
But all you sons of a witch, come here, you offspring of the whore and the adulterer.
Gods love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love.

单词 adulterer 释义



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