单词 adorn 例句大全,用单词adorn造句:

Candles flicker in front of the main altar and prayer flags adorn a large tree outside.
Many colored clay sculptures adorn these grottos, some standing singly, some in groups.
彩塑均为泥质造像, 有单身像和群像,
Adorn medium line, can inspect individual need and choose any form, will express feeling.
装饰中的线条, 可视个别需要而选用任何形态, 来表达情感。
And plastic floor practical value high, plus adorn nails, the more significant skidproof.
From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colors.
Still you will find people who love to adorn themselves with beautifully knitted cardigans.
The sentinels, facing the banks of the stream, might have been statues to adorn the bridge.
No matter spatiotemporal how to change, adorn article always can speak directly with culture.
They adorn it with silver and gold they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
他们用金银妆饰他, 用钉子和锤子钉稳, 使他不动摇。
My eye 220 degrees whether did an eye just match glasses 190 degrees to should adorn all the time
Return what can pass artwork and afforest to cooperate to adorn, change in order to abound colorific.
还可以通过艺术品和绿化的配合来点缀, 以丰富色彩的变化。
Beautify your tongues. O people, with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the ornament of honesty.
人们阿, 用诚实美化你们的言辞, 用正直装饰你们的灵魂。
The vast variety of his knowledge enabled him to adorn and light up every subject on which he touched.
Set auger adorn article can make your product Yi Yi is unripe brightness, more client place is accepted.
镶钻饰品能使您的产品熠熠生辉, 更为顾客所接受。
Please get the visitors to adorn themselves with the visitors card when they move about in the building.
请来访者在楼里走动时, 一定要带好访客牌。
Do not adorn yourselves outwardly by braiding your hair, by wearing gold ornaments, or fine clothing.
Even if the person that likes it again, also can adorn large space of little corner, radiate only with it.
即使是再喜欢它的人, 也只会用它来点缀小角落, 辐射大空间。
Again you will adorn yourself with your tambourines And will go forth in the dance of those who make merry.
No matter be much good invisible glasses, adorn correctional generation affects metropolis crosseye eyeball.
The window narrative of the shallow lotus green up use silk thread to briefly adorn to join Di lotus pattern.
Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
Snake print leather obi belts wrap around smart dresses and ostrich feathers adorn the sleeves of a shift dress.
Tiein proposal Will adorn a space with natural plant, with act the role of smally article build dimensional style.
搭配建议用自然植物来点缀空间, 用小的饰品营造空间风格。
Consult sufficient ministry orthopaedic implement adorn full criterion for evaluation has around tip effect grading.
One of the last traditions of the evening is the setting of firecrackers which adorn the wheels on special fiesta hats.

单词 adorn 释义

  • 单词释义:装饰,修饰;佩戴;使生色  [更多..]



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