subcutaneous tissue There are aforementioned nerve knead doughs to move inside, venous branch or belong to.
皮下组织内有上述神经和面动, 静脉的分支或属支。
According to the study aforementioned, an example of decision analysis to heighten a existing dike is given.
Morover, a brief introduction is made of the software with aforementioned methods and results of application.
The list of topics of the Provisional Agenda follows the structure of the aforementioned Coordinator's paper.
It is ably assisted by the synovial fluid which is produced by the synovium, the aforementioned rubbery layer.
In the events of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Added to the aforementioned research on low fat diets, these two facts bewilder and baffle the average consumer.
The aforementioned behavior is a departure from the traditional sequential paradigm of a conventional disc drive.
The aforementioned legal instruments provide a legal framework for the prevention and reduction of marine debris.
The draft agenda included the main goals and actions identified through the aforementioned conference of experts.
The review will also take into account the outcome of the aforementioned consultations with operational agencies.
When we learn to cultivate awareness, we are laying the groundwork to deal with all of the aforementioned issues.
当我们学会了培养意识, 就是在为处理上述问题打基础。
Our economy will be hard to grow stably and coordinately without having the aforementioned two issues well solved.
The DECOHESION caused by hydrogen has been regarded to be responsible for aforementioned phenomena in such steels.
The cost in case of emergency caused by natural disasters shall be defrayed by the aforementioned special account.
The evaluation method for the aforementioned regular inspection shall be prescribed in the regulations of management.
The statement by the President of France reflects his Government's position in relation to the aforementioned dispute.
However, old or traditional forms of poverty have undergone radical changes as a result of the aforementioned processes.
但是, 前述进程使旧的或传统形式的贫困发生了巨变。
Aforementioned tripartite are continuing hard, fulfil the requirement that aforementioned bourse need in order to satisfy.
To fulfill the aforementioned tasks, it is necessary to strengthen and improve the Partys leadership over the economic work.
By using this improved system, the trouble with the equipment aforementioned is solved and the effect of powersaving is achieved.
None of the aforementioned evidence shall serve as the basis of establishment of facts before it has been ascertained and verified.
RESLUTS From October 1998, to March 1999, a total of 7 patients with globus pharyngeus underwent the aforementioned evaluations.
Results Acupoint injection with astragalus injection had good clinical efficacy in supplementary treatment of aforementioned diseases.
Those who collaborate with those personnel as listed in the aforementioned two paragraphs and join the crime are considered as committing a joint crime.