单词 aggie 例句大全,用单词aggie造句:

What kind of a job can an aggie get these days
And Aggie Pride is not just a slogan its a hardearned fact!
如果这里有招聘人员在场的话, 我大概11号就有空了。
Miffy said, Yes! I can invite my friend Aggie! she can play the accordion!
Aggie was looking at him in such an astonishment that she hardly noticed what he said.
艾吉大婶正那样惊讶地看着他, 以致都没有注意到他讲的话。
Aunt Aggie was looking at him in such an astonishment that she hardly noticed what he said.
艾姬大婶正那样惊讶地看着他, 以致都没有注意到他讲的话。

单词 aggie 释义

  • 单词释义:n.农校,农科大学生  [更多..]



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