单词 agitate 例句大全,用单词agitate造句:

In Haiti, people have already begun to agitate against rising food prices.
There we danced provocatively to sexually agitate the sage and seduce him.
All you need to do is gently agitate the water with a finger or paintbrush.
Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it.
Stir or agitate the coating sample to assure uniform temperature and density.
Whole negotiation from be gotten by Yahoo agitate at the beginning imbroglio.
Cement mortar should press cement commonly Arenaceous 1 0 scale comes agitate.
Inert gas such as argon is blowed into the furnace to agitate the molten pool.
The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.
We thought that the bad news would upset Tom, but it didn't seem to agitate him.
The other ambitious members of your staff will immediately agitate for raises as well.
TianJiang add MSG, a little sesame oil and sugar, vegetable dish with agitate platter.
The leaders of the strike agitate the workers to show to the bosses how solid they are.
Without deliberately thinking about it, MOTIFS for lovelyrics began to agitate his brain.
But the more concessions the country independents get, the more it will agitate other MPs.
但更多的让步获得独立的国家, 越会鼓动其他国会议员。
Agitate each mixture for 30 sec by flicking the container with either a finger or a vibrator.
用手指轻弹容器或振荡器振动容器, 将每种混合物振动30秒钟。
Factions within both states have attempted to agitate the citizenry enough to prevent the merger.
Polybenzimidazoles cooking in printing ink is methyl ethyl ketone, agitate little vinegar, and so on.
The glutinous rice with the most typical Vietnam is become with agitate of wooden turtle fruit juice.
After banana flay pound, roller oily agitate of Lan of half spoon Han bars even, besmear is on the face.
香蕉去皮捣烂后, 辊半匙撖榄油搅拦均匀, 涂在脸上。
The sky is always suffused with the ashen cloud, it looks very low, only groups of birds agitate their wings to fly.
Grind together with rice meal oar after wrings juice, agitate is become mushy, clear become face liquid, bottle reserves.
用粳米饭浆同研后绞汁, 搅拌成糊状, 澄清便成面液, 装瓶备用。
This is pardonable what the industry since meeting agitate cooperates in what pay platform to go up before this is general guess.
The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
The empathy is such that the absorbed poems stir, agitate, even haunt himher, making the utterance of them an absolute must as Jin Shengtan said.
于译入之文字, 更须渤涉嵩览, 静味细玩, 方可称诗家。

单词 agitate 释义

  • 单词释义:煽动;抗议;搅动;使焦虑  [更多..]



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