单词 agitate 例句大全,用单词agitate造句:

Recruit small the Qin Dynasty is gotten by the ascites agitate of skinful drowsiness is broken suddenly, the shoe that satisfy Ta entered a lavatory.
新兵小秦被一肚子的腹水搅得睡意顿失, 遂趿鞋进了厕所。
Please agitate, wind! Please roar, thunder! Please flash, lightning! Destroy everything that is asleep in darkness. Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy it!
Dissolve when chorion in acetic fluid later, take mix into of solution of one small spoon to enter a cup of boiled water, agitate hind is taken, everyday a cup.

单词 agitate 释义

  • 单词释义:煽动;抗议;搅动;使焦虑  [更多..]



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