He said authorities have put dozens of AIDS activists under house arrest or surveillance.
他说, 当局软禁或监视了一批艾滋病活动分子。
These experimental AIDS vaccines of are the first from Africa to reach testing in people.
Such is the likely effect of freeing the most affected countries from the scourge of AIDS.
这种可能的效果有, 使最受艾滋病影响的国家逃脱大难。
No objects adversely affecting the efficacy of navigational aids may be erected around them.
From a medical point of view that AIDS patients and AIDS patients with no clear demarcation.
在多数情况下, 声明性事务界定是首选选项。
The agency said it would be difficult to predict whether the AIDS epidemic might spike again.
协会称, 很难说将来艾滋病会不会再次大范围传播。
Feedback Cancellation based on Weighted Adaptive Projection Subgradient Method in Hearing Aids
AIDS in Africa has a high incidence of a variety of reasons, I can not make improper comments.
艾滋病在非洲高发有着种种原因, 我在此不能妄加评论。
Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aids to the student who is enrolled in a lecture course.
学生听课时, 如能记下正确而笔迹清楚的笔记, 那将非常有用。
This suggested that potentially they may be an ideal therapeutic agent for the treatment of AIDS.
These experimental aids AIDS vaccines are the first from Afica Africa to reach testing in people.
Sorry, we have no foam carpet aids in the airport, request proceeding to your alternate aerodrome.
很遗憾, 我们机场没有泡沫地毯设备, 请飞往备降机场。
Taking protective measures while having sexual contact can effectively prevent AIDS from spreading.
Several hundred AIDS activists protested in Washington DC, accusing US trade officials of wrongdoing.
Prisoners with advanced AIDS could, however, be released after having served only half of their sentence.
Pu Cunxin, the foremost advocate of AIDS prevention together with many school leaders addressed the meeting.
She speaks four languages and she aspires to use her God given talents to raise money for the African Aids crisis.
Changes of regional cerebral blood flow in AIDS patients without acquired immunodeficiency syndromes dementia complex
And it's children like this, many of whom have been orphaned because of their family being affected by the AIDS virus.
其中成员多为孤儿,因他们父母皆被艾滋病 感染了。
Less than two years after AIDS was recognized, the guilty agent - human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV - was identified.
AIDS Health Education upon the Opportunity of a Case of Death because of AIDS in Chendai Town, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province
The rise of AIDS and other deadly diseases along with armed conflicts and social tension make treating leprosy in Africa difficult.
Summary table on the updated HIV AIDS situation through the reporting system A graph showing annual and cumulative HIV AIDS statistics in Hong Kong
Accounting for more than 3 million deaths in the past year alone, the AIDS virus has become@ the deadliest microbe in the world, more lethal than even TB and malaria.
If so, the elusive enzyme could finally offer a target at which drug designers could aim their medications, just as they currently use protease inhibitors to block the activity of the AIDS virus.