单词 ain 例句大全,用单词ain造句:

Well, I guess you ain't got no pills fur a bad heart, Doctor Ed.
嗯, 我猜你是不会得到任何药片皮毛, 你心脏不好, 医生埃德。
yes. i asked for an espresso. the espresso machine ain t working.
No'm, Miss Melanie is all right. She ain'gwine die, Miss Scarlett.
媚兰小姐也很好, 她不会死的, 思嘉小姐。
You're one of those Gant boys, ain't you? Ain't you Ben's brother?
Deity create ain's eden, on the inside gestate have pinion's angels.
I ain't never suppose to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it.
MS ain Male orga in our country are like our very own bullfight or tor.
Miss Scarlett, you knows dey ain'been no sugar at Tara fer de longes' .
Well, Ah ain'nebber set down wid w'ite folks an'Ah is too ole ter learn.
不过我从来没和白人坐在一起过, 现在太老了, 也学不会了。
Ain'us needin'Miss Scarlett an'Miss Melly right hyah an'needin'dem bad ?
You know Mist'Gerald ain'gwine let nobody beat a'spensive nigger lak me!
Don't ever tell me any more that a nigger ain't got any histrionic talent.
so far from taking my advice, he went and did just what i warned in ain it.
他不但不听的劝告, 反而去做了警告他不要做的事情。
The infirmary man may count me dead.When Ive gone to find my ain true love.
医生或许认为我已死去, 此时我就要去找寻我的真情挚爱。
When you got five boys, you ain t got much chance to ride round in de Ford.
And then, deity have ain shadow, become secondly deity, world's secondly anima.
Deys a passel of no count folks in dis town now dat it ain no use talkin about.
She tek keer of me. She ain gwine let de Yankees git me. She sen me back ter Tara.
她照顾过我, 她不会让北方佬把我抓走的, 一定会送我回塔拉。
The list includes excruciating p ain, tetanus, heart infections and brain abscesses.
You kain show yo buzzum befo three oclock an dat dress ain got no neck an no sleeves.
I graduated from Union College with ain political science and a minor in Chinese language.
在大学里, 我主修的是政治学, 副修的是中文。
you could starve, by god, right in the streets, and there ain t most no one would help you.
As in the previous application, the ADC outputs a digital code, Dout, the ratio of AIN to VREF.
It was the same with Boubacar Sanogo when he was at Al Ain with me. He is now in Germanyand playing in the Bundesliga with Hamburg.
D Genration ain t stupid, foolWe just got tiredOf doin what you tell me to doThat s a brace boyYeahThat s a brace little manBreak it down!

单词 ain 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.<苏>自己的;n.艾因河(位于法国东部);Advanced Intelligent Network,高级智能网络  [更多..]



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