单词 empty 例句大全,用单词empty造句:

After the empty admission, is a more abundant enrichment.
I empty myself of the names of others. I empty my pockets.
Acacia after another empty xiao, heavy back with great first.
别后相思空易水, 重回来首以三生。
She was watchful for any sign of activity in the empty house.
Cause it burns as slow as whiskey through an empty aching soul
就如同那烈酒一般, 灼烧我空虚的灵魂
It is best absorbed with carbohydrates, or on an empty stomach.
It will only acknowledge data sent by the server with empty segments.
This life organism is realistic, concrete, but not abstract and empty.
This morning, cistern is full, not empty. Now, cistern is empty.
I stayed long enough to make certain that the house was absolutely empty.
我呆得很久, 以致能肯定那房子是空得。
Manchuria is a rather empty country, with abundant room for colonization.
In addition, an empty house looks bigger than one crammed with your junk.
此外, 一个比一个空房子显得局促请杂物。
After their three plates were empty Aaron kept looking around for seconds.
三个盘子里的食物被一扫而空后, 亚伦环视四周片刻。
The machine certificate chain provided by the Activation backend is empty.
These jobs have advocate have second, have empty solid, mutual correlation.
这些工作有主有次, 有虚有实, 相互关联。
It is impossible for us to accomplish the four modernizations by empty talk.
With the aid of this faint light, he found it absolutely empty around the cave.
If the plane has empty seats, the cost of adding one more passenger is minuscule.
如果飞机有空位, 多增加一个乘客的成本是微乎其微的。
Advised to take a young man, Jun Xi, MO to be lamenting the empty white hair.
The accessory criminal could not but empty the bag in face of conclusive evidence.
What it needs to accomplish anything is the sweat of the brow, but not empty talk.
要成就任何一桩事情, 需要的是艰苦的努力而非空谈。
If we are honest with ourselves, we admit that this life is empty and meaningless.
Perhaps he is the existence that asking you do not agree with empty body together.
An empty cupboard is no better than an empty cup, she said in an apocryphal aside.
空柜子比空杯子好不了多少, 她在边上有深意似地说。
An affixation compound is composed of a substantive morpheme and an empty morpheme.

单词 empty 释义

  • 单词释义:空的;无意义的;空虚的;无力的  [更多..]



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