单词 empty 例句大全,用单词empty造句:

The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach.
她凡是空着肚子去睡觉, 总都要做这样的恶梦。
They did a wonderful job, taking away the empty dishes and filling the empty glasses!
It will be no easy job to accomplish this. Neither bragging nor empty talk will do it.
Probe into health problems of empty nest aged people in city community and its strategies.
Lead interpuntion is empty of all sizes and levels of lead empty group formed into suites.
Yahoo returns existence management layer acceptance is basic the problem that is empty talk.
Drinkers are advised to take Maota i in small Sips, and not to drink it on an empty stomach.
茅台应该小口啜饮, 而且不能空腹饮用。
The big, empty and abortive pollen grains are abserred at the stage of uninuclear microspore.
De Sitters spacetime is empty, expands at an accelerating rate and is very highly symmetrical.
Do not leave empty spaces inside the box, instead fill the empty space with cushioning material.
The famous actress sang a few sentences from"Empty-City Strategy" for us without music.
The empty card has the cloudy deficiencyfire to be prosperous, spleen lung empty cold difference.
虚证则有阴虚火旺, 脾肺虚寒之别。
Now these parents are living alone without children in their empty nest. They have empty nesters.
父母们却留在空巢里, 他们就成了空巢人啦。
With the social ageing and the change of family structure, empty nest family is expanding swiftly.
随着社会的老龄化和家庭结构的演变, 空巢家庭正迅猛增加。
Less singing of empty, abstract tunes was demanded, yet some comrades are obstinately singing more.
Accustomed to pulling a rickshaw, he actually found running about with empty hands even more tiring.
拉惯了车, 空着手儿走比跑还累得慌。
Escape from fee and empty account phenomenon aggravate the difficulty of the pension insurance further.
Materials that are not for the project use, empty oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be recycled in time.
Place the empty magnet tubes from the inserter carousel into the empty tube storage box beside the machine.
Empty promises. The Conservative party has dismissed the Labour platform, saying it is full of empty promises.
This is when a bartender has some accidental spillage during the routine, which results in the bottle becoming empty.
The story of the stratagem of the empty city is about how Zhugeliang defended an empty city in the face of his enemies.
Food is not digested and has accumulated in my stomach because of over-eating. I should stop eating to empty my stomach.
Symptom of empty of middleaged person occurrence kidney is a kind of prematurely senile, call pathology sex kidney empty.
Second, avoid absorbing empty cavity of womb and carefully observe abradant things of artificial abortion while diagnosing premature pregnancy.

单词 empty 释义

  • 单词释义:空的;无意义的;空虚的;无力的  [更多..]



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