单词 enabled 例句大全,用单词enabled造句:

Its about closing a loophole that has enabled employers to get away with active discrimination.
It enabled the Democrats to capture the House of Representatives in the congressional elections.
Beloved is Toni Morrisons masterpiece that enabled her to get the1993 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Internet-enabled cars and airplanes are coming online, and smart houses are being built every day.
The checkbox is used for options that can be enabled or disabled. Take the stones out of the fruit.
If the recycle bin is enabled for the site, list items can be recovered after they have been deleted.
如果对网站启用了回收站, 可以恢复已删除的列表项目。
The vast variety of his knowledge enabled him to adorn and light up every subject on which he touched.
Administrative and application security needs to be enabled in order for security roles to be enforced.
He had acquired secrets which enabled him to blackmail the Chancellor and many of the Kaisers intimates.
Once the model is rebuilt, cascade deletion is enabled for the relations bearing the onDelete attribute.
When shading is enabled and you rotate a chart, the lights are rotated as if they are fixed to the chart.
In this way, it effectively captured mercury vapor and enabled majority of adsorpt mercury to be desorbed.
Newly developed shock absorber and suspension setting enabled both better handling and the driving comfort.
Auto shot will be automatically enabled if the Hunter steps out of melee range while in combat with target.
Literacy enabled men and women to adapt to the modern world and assimilate the ideas that led to development.
because the sheer scale of what people can do when they're enabled to do anything they want is pretty amazing.
因为人们可以做的事情 规模之庞大令人匪夷所思
The more I read, the more I meditateand the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing.
But their practical experiences on the ground have enabled them to acquire expertise and to build their capacities.
The current surge of Internet-enabled cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) foreshadow what's to come.
The development of automatic ammunition handling systems enabled large calibre guns to develop remarkable rates of fire.
An equitable educational system enabled children from Category Three Impoverished Households to attend National Taiwan University.
Keep in mind that every service or application that is present and enabled is just another potential hole that an attacker can exploit.
记住, 启用和保留所有服务和应用程序将让攻击者有机可乘。
DigiScents, based in Oakland, California, plans to launch everything from ' scent-enabled ' websites to fragrant e-mail through its iSmell device.
Such devices, together with Internet-enabled sensors embedded in clothing, will avoid a hospital stay for medical patients who simply require observation.
The advent of programmable, nanoscale machines will extend the Internet to things the size of molecules that can be injected under the skin, leading to Internet-enabled people.

单词 enabled 释义



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