单词 enlighten 例句大全,用单词enlighten造句:

A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.
She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.
Skiufully Established Teaching Circumstances Enlighten Narrative Instruction
Electronic game, kinescope enlighten hall, already played be disgusted with.
The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.
Let me enlighten those who haven't been to that exotic part of the archipelago.
让我开导这些谁没有得到这一奇特的一部分, 该群岛。
As a shallow person, I hope you can kindly enlighten me with your instructions.
鄙夫才疏学浅, 望先生赐教。
You can also seek counseling to enlighten others to recover as soon as possible.
也可以通过心理咨询来寻求他人的开导, 以尽快恢复。
Throwing bricks intended to jade, I hope colleagues will not hesitate to enlighten.
Therefore, he not only failed to enlighten the abbot, he irritated him unnecessarily.
Love would not let you down Love will brighten our days with hope enlighten the world.
爱不会让你失望, 爱给我们的世界带来光明和希望。
Enlighten bank medium held water 2004,in order to make campus medium make ones fortune.
Nobody seemed to be anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.
Learn to enlighten, than, we can truly benefit, truly, benefit human beings in the world.
Helen seemed to be anxious to enlighten him about the events that had led up to the dispute.
Nobody seemed to be anxious to enlighten me about the events that had led up to the dispute.
See this light in you its dark, let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you.
Enlighten is the ultimate concealer for very dark circles, hyperpigmentation and bruising.
Not understand many things have to enlighten their own Oh, your pain is their doctrine true!
In return, the man of practice offers pray, wish, enlighten and disabuse to the common people.
修行人则对俗家人施法 祝福,开导,解惑等等。
The paper discusses the artistic value of Dunhuang frescoes, which enlighten modern drawing and creation.
Our constitutional construction will be enlighten from the beneficial experience of German Fundamental Law.
Shannons entropy does not enlighten us about the value of information, which is highly dependent on context.
夏侬熵并没有告诉我们资讯的值, 那要依个别的状况而定。
The mission of cultivation and education is to enlighten personal rationality and nurture the public reason.
The doctrine of the Great learning is to enlighten the brilliant virtue, to make intimate association with people, and to strive to attain the highest accomplishment.
大学之道在明明德, 在亲民, 在止于至善。

单词 enlighten 释义

  • 单词释义:启发,启蒙;开导,教导;〈古〉照耀  [更多..]



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