单词 energy 例句大全,用单词energy造句:

The work of the Office of the National Energy Commission shall be undertaken by the National Energy Bureau.
We calculate the energy consumption of the new air conditioning system and analyze its energy saving ration.
Definition of Potential Energy Is of Great Importance to Comprehend the Conservation Law of Mechanical Energy
There are different forms of energy such as heat energy, sound energy, electrics energy, and chemical energy.
有各种不同形式的能, 例如热能, 声, 电能和化学能。
The forms of energy with which we often meet are heat energy, sound energy, electrical energy, chemical energy.
What you're doing is, when you stand up, potential energy to kinetic energy, potential energy to kinetic energy.
身体直立情况下,您所做的就是 把势能转变 为动能。
Energy Crop Sweet Sorghum Breeding and Energy Conversion Technology on Ethanol production from Sweet Sorghum Stem
Monitors energy efficiency of all equipment makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage.
The requirements to energy adjusting cavities for tuning the proton energy efficiently and continually are studied.
China and Germany have much to benefit from cooperation in developing renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.
The conceptions of energy saving and rational energy utilization were given, and the relation between them was analyzed.
You see there first the component of the kinetic energy, which is the and then you see the term which is the potential energy.
The maximum allowable values of the energy consumption and evaluating values of energy conservation for household refrigerators
This lamp is the sources of energy with monocrystalline silicon solar energy cell or polycrystalline silicon solar energy cell.
Energy consumption investigation and energy efficiency analyses of air conditioning systems in public buildings in Tianjin and Kobe
Secondly, in the first production, the great quantity of artifical supplementary energy depends on external industrial energy input.
Quantitative Relations between Electric Potential Energy and Electric Field Energy of Continuous Charged Body and Point Charge System
Studies on the features of energy value and the factors of affecting measuring energy value of Neosinocalamus affinis clone population
The invention relates to a bled steam heat energy cyclic utilization system and a bled steam heat energy cyclic utilization technology.
Energy Saving Renovation of Auxiliary Pump of Water Cooling Machine Set ENERGY SAVING REVAMP TO CONDENSATE AND DEAD STEAM RECOVERY SYSTEM
European family treasure energy conservation electric appliance, bidirectional energy conservation, healthy environmental protection, remarkable quality!
Evaluation with ratio of actual energy consumption fee to energy consumption based on energy consumption statistics and energy audit for large scale public buildings
So, for example, in a hydrogen atom, if you take the binding energy, the negative of that is going to be how much energy you have to put in to ionize the hydrogen atom.
The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals. Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy.
Clinical Study on Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis with the Powder of Invigrating Spleen and Benefiting Bowel and the Medicine Bag of Strengthening Kidney Energy and Protecting Primordial Energy

单词 energy 释义

  • 单词释义:精力,力气;毅力;努力;能量  [更多..]



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