单词 engulf 例句大全,用单词engulf造句:

The fire spread quickly via stairways to engulf the entire building.
In the span of 30 years, such carnage would twice engulf this continent.
在30年战争中, 类似的屠杀两次席卷了这个大陆。
Child recruitment is a crime that can engulf entire generations in conflict.
An intense inferno, reaching temperatures of 2500 F will quickly engulf the aircraft.
So let civilized behavior engulf the whole campus and embody in every student action.
These glimmering eyes can capture you, flirt with you and engulf you with tenderness.
这些闪闪发光的眼睛能捕捉你, 与你和你调情吞没温柔。
This is about ten billion years, after which the Sun will swell up and engulf the Earth.
FEW people would put much money on the idea that peace is about to engulf Israel and Palestine.
In the meantime, Mark Twain witnessed industrialization engulf Americas every corner step by step.
But the key part is trying to give back an extraordinary piece of landscape, rather than engulf it.
但是关键 是试着还给土地一片别致的景观 而不是践踏它
The Cave of Swallows in Mexico is a 400m vertical shaft, deep enough to engulf the Empire State Building.
原来, 墨西哥的燕子洞有四百米深, 足以放下整个帝国大厦!
I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters the floods engulf me.
我陷在深淤泥中, 没有立脚之地我到了深水中, 大水漫过我身。
In recent months, turmoil and unrest have also threatened to engulf the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Brother possessions. Must have borrow have also. If there is any premeditated engulf the die under million dollars.
And it's looking around, and when it finds something, and recognizes it being foreign, it will actually engulf it and eat it.
在此过程中,一旦有了目标 并确认是异物 就会把它吞噬掉
Analyzing what that amount might be, we can look to some important strengths that would serve us well if major problems should engulf our economy
至于这个限度在哪里, 我们就必须评估自己本身的实力
Secure in his enduring marriage to Ingrid, he has no premonition of the storm that is about to engulf him when he meets Anna at an embassy cocktail party.

单词 engulf 释义

  • 单词释义:吞没;包住;吞食;狼吞虎咽  [更多..]



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