单词 ensign 例句大全,用单词ensign造句:

You of heart, breeze also, ensign son also not floated to move.
你的心止, 风也止了, 旗子也不飘动了。
Ensign Cruiser is changing course. Now on intercept trajectory.
So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign.
The ensign, who heard the story, repeated it to his superior officer.
Olympic game would the ensign is the white bottom is central to is blue.
One star is bigger, it circumscribe a diameter as ensign Gao 310, reside left
一星较大, 其外接圆直径为旗高310, 居左
At that moment, from behind the short bush, there appear the artillery ensign.
our family would go almost every year, said Ensign Janel Hansen, from Kaiser, Ore.
It was Captain Osborne that cut down the French lancer who had speared the ensign.
Drop the foreshadowing of the blood became sword, CHEN WU XIANGs Lius ensign hunt.
滴血的伏笔成了剑, 陈吴项刘锦旗猎猎。
The red ensign flown directly above the blue ensign with Hong Kong armorial bearings.
The best advice I ever received came to me from my ensign when I was a Wave at boot camp.
她告诉我要是不想惹麻烦, 那么白天就说是的, 长官。
Ensign Rostov had been sharing his quarters, ever since he overtook the regiment in Poland.
自从士官生在波兰赶上团队以来, 他就和连长住在一个地方。
The fresh and red party ensign floats an exhibition aweather, the clear party song is moving.
They silently removed the ensign pips from each others epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.
他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章, 换上中尉的标识。
Subsequently, russia scientist will place in a certain position on a device of amid Russia ensign.
It was evident that the ensign was liberal with his tips, and that his service was a profitable one.
显然, 士官生给的酒钱可多啦, 侍候他是有利可图的。
In front of each wagon stood 57 hanging ensign plants, over which were spread thin nets of true gold.
Tiger Who say my power and prestige eight sides, be my skin usually take by the person to do big ensign!
In the air balloon of pensile 98 many color sways along with wind, it is Hua Qi of the ensign with grand brightcoloured.
Zhang Zongxun, assistant chief of the general staff, conferring the ensign to president Chengeng on behalf of the Military Commission of the Central Committee.

单词 ensign 释义

  • 单词释义:旗,船旗,国旗;<美>海军少尉;(表示职别等的)徽章  [更多..]



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