单词 ensue 例句大全,用单词ensue造句:

Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
故兵闻拙速, 未睹巧之久也。
They have all inexplicably dissappeared, chaos, tragedy, and comedy quickly ensue.
We call on Israel to bear full responsibility for whatever consequences may ensue.
But admit this equal right and equal power, and an immediate revolution would ensue.
Otherwise, I fear that chaos will ensue after the withdrawal of United States troops.
Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.
A spokesman for Microsoft said that a legal battle would ensue if its software was copied.
微软的发言人表示, 若其软体遭到盗版, 就会有一场官司要打。
I think you will be surprised at the level of engagement and satisfaction that will ensue.
我想你会惊奇地发现在参与和满意程度, 将接踵而至。
By fixing the attention upon the throat center, the cessation of hunger and thirst will ensue.
They argue that access should be made available because of the global benefits that would ensue.
He is then transformed into the lecherous swinger, Buddy Love, and romantic complications ensue.
化学作用完全成功, 格力获得标准身形之馀, 亦倾倒不少少女。
If we can't bring our problems under control, feelings of powerlessness and despair often ensue.
Others would reject it because they hoped to profit from the political disarray that would ensue.
Because that which shall ensue shall be made totally clear to the soul as and when it is happening.
And if the rains fail before the end of this year, an unimaginably dreadful catastrophe could ensue.
如果在年前没有足够降雨, 不可想象的大灾难也不远了。
That such a consequence as this should ensue, you may easily believe was far enough from my thoughts.
Keep good communication with government function department, ensue smooth running of company vehicle.
Republicans nominated an old warrior with a record of making hard decisions and absorbing the blows that ensue.
You need time to make things better. Be considerate and avoid being overly opinionated , or arguments will ensue.
要考虑周全, 不要过于武断, 否则可能会引起争论。
Time and again, when this issue is debated on in the newspapers, the discussions that ensue are always quite heated.
这个话题不时在报上提出来, 每次讨论总是非常热烈。
Fluent in reading, writing and speaking English or French is must. To ensue the regular communication with French team.
But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return Being impossible, disaster will ensue.
敌若有备, 出而不胜, 则难以返, 不利。
Please accept and act upon these proposals, and great advantage will ensue to the War of Resistance and the cause of national liberation.

单词 ensue 释义

  • 单词释义:vi.跟着发生,继起;vt.(基督教<<圣经>>用语)追求  [更多..]



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