Leaf base rounded, abaxially pale white, margin entire or undulate samara green when young.
叶基部圆形, 背面浅白色, 边缘全缘或波状幼时的翅果绿色。
The entire stainless steel structure, acidproof and bears the alkali, artistic and durable.
Participate in the entire process of module check and acceptance, propose proper suggestions.
The entire organization has to be ready to adapt to all of these changes at a moments notice.
The tumor occupied almost the entire abdominal cavity and was pressing on her internal organs.
这颗肿瘤几乎占据了她的整个腹腔, 而且还挤压到内脏。
The Schrodinger equation acts on the entire probability amplitude, not merely its absolute value.
Drink puts up warehouse adjustment for the entire pallet takes care of out the warehouse pattern.
Does the actor bear any responsibility for keeping himself in a similar key with the entire production
Before attempting to wire the system together, create an accurate wiring diagram for the entire system.
在将系统连接在一起之前, 请绘制一幅准确的系统接线图。
The entire process for the retailer can provide entire system of equipment and loss prevention program.
In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.
Is skinny interlock her this variety of thin little persons entire can easily of hand her to the adytum.
After the competition ended, Lindane respected the military salute acknowledgment to the entire audience.
That means building the entire, the equivalent of the entire built infrastructure of the U. S. in 13 years.
这就等同于要美国 在15年内建造起整个国家基础设施
Light was provided24 h a day, feed and water were provided ad libitum during the entire experimental period.
Warning entire pump must be shut off before adjusting the packed plunger side or bodily injury could result.
Among the most debilitating problems are corruption which often permeates the entire society, and drug abuse.
Entire formulas for the adjustment of indirect and condition observations with singular covariance are derived.
Flexibility should be maintained in order to make adjustments for the possible absence of a member for an entire session.
The growth trial lasted42 days, and experimental diets and water were available ad libitum during the entire experimental period.
central lobe margin entire, rarely slightly crenate lateral lobes positioned near middle of leaf blade, margin obtuse and entire.
侧面裂片在叶片的近中部的位置, 边缘钝和全缘。
And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time one along the 13 century.
The abrasive brushes surround the fabric so that it is easy to achieve a perfectly uniform sueding effect on the entire circumference of the tube.
The web-advisers soon realized that slapping a Web face on an old company wouldn't work, that a company's website had to be integrated with its entire operations.
The entire real road pushes stems from the father, its direct origin is the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality technique which the Tang end Five Dynasties emerge.