单词 enthusiastic 例句大全,用单词enthusiastic造句:

Many enthusiastic fans were waiting for famous singer Jay Chow to arrive at the airport.
Bey is very glad, to pupil people patriotic and enthusiastic impression quite beautiful.
Emperor Kangxi being an enthusiastic angler, YingTai was an ideal fishing spot for him.
And the other, somewhat younger, appeared to be enthusiastic about learning the language.
The squad boasts a wealth of enthusiastic recruits steadied by several university players.
这支队伍有来自几所大学得球员, 实力非常强。
The squad boasts a wealth of enthusiastic recruits steadied by several university players.
这支队伍有来自几所大学的球员, 实力非常强。
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, however, received immediate enthusiastic acceptance.
The president came, the applause with sick enthusiastic people makes him very satisfactory.
Orange lets a hair besmear again as scorching on caramel is general, warm and enthusiastic.
Therefore, the most enthusiastic students, we must rectify our love of the value orientation.
因此, 最有激情的大学生, 我们必须端正我们爱的价值取向。
Those who are enthusiastic and creative but inexperienced and unlearned may not achieve anything.
The students, according to published accounts of the address, responded with enthusiastic applause.
据媒体报道, 当时台下学生掌声雷动。
They are moderate shedders, not enthusiastic ones such as Alaskan Malamutes or German Shepherd Dogs.
When the curtain was rung up on the first performance, the audience broke into enthusiastic applause.
当第一次演出鸣铃启幕时, 观众报以热烈掌声。
The ninth house is where we feel a sense of adventure and delve into new areas in an enthusiastic way.
When the curtain was rung down on the first performance, the audience broke into enthusiastic applause.
当第一次演出呜铃闭幕时, 观众报以热烈掌声。
The atmosphere that below bright lamplight reflect the festival dines together will be more enthusiastic.
Because of how Lees company, Marin timid to brave forward. Dolly is an enthusiastic and others, broadminded fish.
因为有多利的陪伴, 胆小的马林才能勇敢的前进。
Even if the government issues bonds earmarked for industry, do you think they'll be enthusiastic about buying them?
Here, we express enthusiastic congratulation to the manufacturer of autograph of this gold a list of names posted up!
A sensible, enthusiastic feature about adventure stories would do a power of good to readership and publishers' advertising.
In recent years, more and more fantasy novels on internet have been published, and been bought and read by enthusiastic readers.
The Beer Festival, presented in a joyful, enthusiastic traditional manner, has attracted a great many of foreign and Chinese visitors.
We should abandon indiscriminate egalitarianism and implement a system of distribution according to one's work, by which people will be enthusiastic to work.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.

单词 enthusiastic 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.热心的,热情的  [更多..]



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