EOS eBookMan Operating System
Eos The goddess of the dawn, the sister of Heios.
厄俄斯黎明女神, 赫利俄斯的妹妹。
The new virial EOS for the refrigerants at saturated state.
At bottom of EOS Tower, lies the Alien infested Omega Sector!
By entering EOS or Helios tower, you are now to go to the bottom.
玩具塔或者赫利奥斯塔, 你现在要准备好去底部。
In chapter one, the basic knowledge of the solids and EOS is given.
Study of the Mutual Effect Potential among Particles and Eos for Solid
By entering EOS or Helios tower, you are now ready to go to the bottom.
玩具塔或赫利奥斯塔, 你此刻要筹办好去底部。
Titan, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios, Selene, Eos.
One thing I like about Canon EOS is that the system gives users plenty of options. Nikon, SM.
因为垂直把手的需求并没有很多, 所以没有垂直把手的预定。
And when the associated theory was used to EOS, the precision of calculation was improved greatly.
当将缔合理论引入状态方程法时, 计算精度得到了明显提高。