You attend to the details, Minion. I have to run a quick errand.
put the bowl in a heating pad. Then I left the house on an errand.
我把面盆放在电热褥里, 后来就出去干别的活去了。
The boy quickly went on an errand with money clasped in his hands.
Caesar wouldnt pull a hair for his eagle. Youre on a fools errand.
鹰对恺撒来说无足轻重, 你们的任务毫无意义。
Wally Ah, what am I doing here standing for talking to an errand boy
沃里哦, 我站在这跟一个听差的谈什么?
Someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels.
Maybe I would have bought the ice cream when I did some other errand.
I give myself another errand, digging my manager about greater value.
The women of the village, too, used to employ him to run their errand.
Microoptimizing the steps of an inefficient algorithm is a fools errand.
He could scarcely eat, however, he was so anxious to be about his errand.
可是他急着去办事, 几乎什么也吃不下。
The king was proud of his power, but he was really just God's errand boy.
王对自己的力量感到骄傲, 但他其实不过是神的小当差罢了。
Tie them all up in one bundle and have the errand boy return them to him.
你一一股脑儿包起来, 叫用人送还他。
Users must be registered and logged in to access the errand service application.
To some in the advertising and publishing industries, it is an impossible errand.
即便是在正常时期, 判断汇率走势也是愚蠢的举动。
A task is a personal or workrelated errand that you want to track until completion.
任务是个人的或与工作相关的差使, 要跟踪直到其完成。
You are here to enrich the world.You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.
He sat outside the courtyard gate for a long time, his mind a blank, his errand forgotten.
Jason Alright, one more errand, Wally. Mother would like the deed of trust to this condo.
It was impossible to say how much he should be gratified by being employed on such an errand.
若是能让我去办这件事, 我真说不出该有多高兴。
Trying to single out financiers from entrepreneurs is a fools errand you will end up hurting both.
I was about to leave the house on an errand, and my husband was getting ready for a dental appointment.
我正要离家跑一躺腿, 我的丈夫正准备去看牙医。
Hungchien woke the errand boy to come carry the baggage, and with a heavy heart, accompanied Hsinmei to the hotel.
鸿渐唤醒校工来挑行李, 送辛楣到了旅馆, 依依不舍。
assignment business charge chore consignment duty embassy errand job labour purpose pursuit stint task thing work.
Enough! How long yet shall i this mortal shape keep? Why not take life as it comes, and why hustle and bustle like one on a errand bound?